Scientific and proper marketing mix strategy is the key for the coal enterprises to meet customer's satisfaction and achieve their goals.
New historical forms and opportunities emerging under the common use of marketing mix strategy is particularly worthy of study and reference.
The e-marketing mix must work together and support each other if the company is to have a successful online marketing strategy.
According to the basic pattern of sales based on Internet and the attribute of mix marketing strategy dug out, this paper proposes a new algorithm of mining association rules based on constraints.
Establish a dynamic group ceiling for rolling 3-months based on demand forecast according to an optimized business mix strategy and review on a weekly basis with Sales & Marketing.
Marketing-mix strategy is an essential factor to influence the management of large-scaled stadia and gymnasia.
Based on the new characteristics we propose Suggestions from tactics and strategy to help enterprise to formulate effective marketing mix.
Based on the new characteristics we propose Suggestions from tactics and strategy to help enterprise to formulate effective marketing mix.