He's in America because he wants a college degree, and because his American college wants his money. But in this marriage of convenience, both parties suffer.
This marriage between life and machines is one of convenience, because, in part, it has been forced by our current technical limitations.
Far from being a marriage of convenience, in other words, it is a marriage of inconvenience.
My suggestion to Microsoft is this: fuse Windows Phone 7's operating system with Office Live for a marriage of convenience, ease of use, and productivity.
A second--and perhaps even more representative--remnant of this primal dynamic could be the "marriage of convenience, " or so-called "gold-digging."
In both cases, however, the marriage is conditioned by the class position of the parties and is to that extent always a marriage of convenience.
Was their planned marriage more a matter of convenience on both parts, a logical joining of the only two humans, matched in age and beauty, among our little band?
Was their planned marriage more a matter of convenience on both parts, a logical joining of the only two humans, matched in age and beauty, among our little band?