After a three-weekend courtship, Pam accepted Randy's proposal of marriage.
This was his marriage proposal, and - like his elaborate dinner parties and everything else he did - it was a grand gesture.
Sally wanted some time to consider Sam's proposal of marriage; she had heard the saying, "Marry in haste, and repent at leisure."
Before long, they quarreled again. She seriously proposed "divorce" this time and was determined to submit the proposal to the court, Because she thought their marriage was a broken house now.
The first date is not a marriage proposal; it's merely an opportunity to measure compatibility.
After a certain amount of time without a marriage proposal, this woman may start to plot The Ultimatum.
Pamela accepted Randolph's proposal of marriage.
This is an honorable proposal of marriage made at what I consider a most opportune moment. I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands.
It's a moment in your life that theoretically should only happen once - the marriage proposal.
When her mother asked her if she also agreed to the marriage proposal, she replied shyly that it was totally up to her parents.
Listen up fellas if you want to capture your woman's heart by a marriage proposal, then follow your heart and hers.
Write it on a jigsaw puzzle! Get a blank puzzle kit and write out your marriage proposal on it. Break it up and have her solve it.
'of course I understand,' said Mr Collins, 'that young ladies often do not accept a proposal of marriage the first time.
Everybody knows that kneeling down means proposal for marriage.
Peng reprogrammed Tammy Li's favorite video game, "Bejeweled," so a ring and a marriage proposal would show up on the screen when she reached a certain score.
Because Bathsheba was not at all in love with Farmer Boldwood, she was able to consider his proposal of marriage calmly.
After seven years, and again in the face of bitter parental disapproval, Potter felt emboldened enough to accept his proposal of marriage. She was 46.
Eve was thinking how to decline David's marriage proposal.
Around Valentine's Day, I decided to ask my wife what she remembered about my marriage proposal.
Conventionally, the ring is presented as a betrothal gift by a man to his prospective spouse while he proposes marriage or directly after she accepts his marriage proposal.
To be honest, his proposal was actually by no means romantic without flowers, diamond ring and any other surprise. It was even could not be called "marriage proposal".
To be honest, his proposal was actually by no means romantic without flowers, diamond ring and any other surprise. It was even could not be called "marriage proposal".