A decorated egg with a bird on it, given to a young married couple, is a wish for children.
Ronald and Lois, married for two decades, considered themselves a happy couple.
An old couple who have been married for 50 years got much attention.
The couple divorced in 1971 and he married Penelope Gollop in 1972.
To test their procedures, they needed a man and a woman to impersonate a married couple for multiple sessions.
You and your spouse will also need to decide how to prioritize your common values, and how these values will translate into your respective roles and responsibilities as a married couple.
Until last month, another married couple served as British ambassadors to Austria and Slovakia, respectively.
Niulang and Zhinv are a married couple and had children, Qixi Festival conveys messages of devoted loyal love between married couples who want to grow old together.
A multi-millionaire is obviously going to have much different goals than a newly married couple just starting out.
Elsewhere the ghosts of a married couple haunt their idyllic home and a film director is unknowingly making the worst film ever.
By the census' admittedly outmoded measure, the number of stay-at-home dads has remained largely flat in recent years, making up less than 1 percent of married-couple households.
Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand.
But like any married couple they fight mostly over mundane stuff, except there are three spouses instead of two.
When asked what constitutes a family, the vast majority of Americans agree that a married couple, with or without children, fits that description.
The pair were arrested in Arlington, Virginia, where they have been living as a married couple with two young children.
We are a married couple with six kids, soccer practice, choir, school functions, many many family gatherings, running events, martial arts, and much more.
Until eight years ago, a married couple needed permission from their work unit to divorce, and many stayed in unhappy relationships for decades, scared of social ostracism.
Only this year did they realize they could compete in another category: world's tallest living married couple.
The study of the evolutionary roots of crime began with the work of Martin Daly and Margo Wilson, a married couple who work at McMaster University in Canada.
In private they functioned like a married couple, sharing a bed, meals, movie nights and vacations with the children.
I noticed this recently as I was speaking to a married couple who own a retail business.
What would be the probability that a married couple would live, both of them, to the time when their children were grown?
I wondered what if each member of the married couple could obtain more freedom to do what they want without getting divorced?
On May 26, Frank Milford, 100, and Anita Milford, 99, celebrated their 80th marriage anniversary and became UK's longest-married couple.
By 5.30 PM, after a hard day of work, the small room of the newly-married couple near the Binh Duong IZ was full of laughter.
Most of the material was acquired by Hendrijke and Heinz Ivo, a married couple who began collecting in earnest 25 years ago, after he retired at 51 (he was president of the food division at Mars).
这些收藏品大部分过去是Hendrijke和Heinz Ivo这对已婚夫妇的。他自51岁退休(他是玛氏食品部总裁)之后开始收藏,迄今已25年了。
But when Karine and I dropped off the other guests at the train station, we felt strangely like a married couple, relieved to finally have our space back.
A married couple in their early 60s was celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.
A married couple in their early 60s was celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.