An external layer of compact Bone surrounds a central area of spongy Bone, except at the marrow cavity.
ZGZTC can obviously increase the ratio of bone trabecula to marrow cavity and the average bone trabecula density of left femoral head(P<0.01).
The paper introduces related research on judging age by X-ray picture of forensic anthropology from fusion time of stem epiphyseal and the change of humerus marrow cavity respectively.
Methods Bone defects or unities due to limb traumas or infections were treated with the free bone grafts through bone marrow cavity, and then fixed with internal or external fixations;
KGS could also improve the pathological changes in microstructure of bone, increase the thickness of trabecula and cortex (P <0.05) , reduce the trabecular gap and bone marrow cavity (P<0 . 05) .
To compare with autologous bone graft, deproteined bovine cancellous bone and an autogenous red marrow had an identical effect for repairing bony cavity defect.
To compare with autologous bone graft, deproteined bovine cancellous bone and an autogenous red marrow had an identical effect for repairing bony cavity defect.