Marrying up was necessary in the past when women could not get an education and female literacy was low.
According to the New York Post, his ex-wife Joanne Simpson gave up the baby as her father did not approve of her marrying a Syrian.
Growing up with a narcissistic parent or marrying one can be disabling, but, almost by definition, many narcissists go through life without realizing the harm they are doing to others.
If I break up with someone - and I have broken up with a lot of people - I have no problem with any of my friends dating my ex falling in love with her and even marrying her.
If I break up with someone - and I have broken up with a lot of people - I have no problem with any of my friends dating my ex, falling in love with her and even marrying her.
But when she finished her treatments, her husband treated her terribly and ended up marrying someone else with a chronic illness, says Ludwig.
Earlier this year, Ms. Gilbert published a follow-up book called "Committed," an anguished account of her ambiguous feelings about marrying her lover, called Felipe in the books.
Between 2000 and 2006, the average length of time that cohabiting couples spent together before splitting up or marrying also rose by four months to 6.9 years.
(Girlfriends no pros) and I have came close a few times to giving it all up and marrying one of my dream girls.
Yet for all their emotional precaution, it's happened a few times that a girl ends up marrying a client.
I know it all; that the young man's marrying her was a patched-up business, at the expence of your father and uncles.
Scarlett's in love with the nice guy (AKA boring) Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard), but winds up marrying men she doesn't care for twice (the whole Civil War dying thing gets in the way).
People are marrying later, for instance — men at 27.5 and women at 25.6, on average — which means newlyweds often have already set up house and are saddled with credit-card debt.
Taylor and Burton would end up marrying — twice.
The granddaddy of Swedish filmmaking made this tragedy in 1950, in which soloist Stig joins an orchestra and ends up marrying fellow musician Martha.
瑞典电影鼻祖于 1950 年拍摄了这部悲剧,片中的独奏演员斯迪格 (Stig)加入了一个乐队,最终与同行的音乐家玛莎 (Martha) 结为伉俪。
And even rich folks marrying each other and doubling up on wealth accumulated at the top.
There's a pair of twins from England that, after being separated at birth, ended up marrying each other.
Ross knocked her up, but he doesn't plan on marrying her.
Awkward though it may be for the independent-minded, women can at least achieve alphabetic advancement by marrying "up".
Then the kids fix up their parents' problems in the pastoral by marrying appropriately.
Did you know that Lao Zhao ended up marrying his secretary?
Abeautiful woman is often able to climb up to a higher social class by marrying a man with education, wealth or position.
Marrying you screwed up my life.
People who live together without marrying should draw up contracts ahead of any change in the law, reports Kathryn Cooper.
People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
There's a pair of twins from England that, after being separated at birth, ended up marrying each other.
There's a pair of twins from England that, after being separated at birth, ended up marrying each other.