Are all the loaded vans available on the marshalling yard?
The freight car impact on the marshalling yard may cause serious damage to cars and ladings.
Meihekou Station is one of the 48 one of the marshalling yard, on the passenger and freight trains to 159.
So the quality of the work of marshalling yard plays an important role in the completion of the whole transport task.
Container yard isseparated into marshalling yard and container yard, which its main effect is provided thetemporary place to store.
Shunting operation is the center of marshalling yard organization, and is the important component of the whole railway transportation.
Therefore, the research on the optimization of bidirectional marshalling yard stage plan has important theoretical and practical significance.
Since we cancel braking shoes, we use the stop retarder system or the controlling clasp retarder system at the tail part of hump marshalling yard.
The marshalling yard at West Feng Tai, Beijing, is the busiest one on our railways, where the classification of cars is heavy and traffic volume is large.
The article puts forward the design method of grade in marshalling yard, pass to analyse the running characteristic of different wagons in marshalling yard.
The article puts forward the design method of grade in marshalling yard, pass to analyse the running characteristic of different wagons in marshalling yard.
The automatization of the working in railway marshalling yard including the automatic releace of couplings is a way to strengthen the capacity of railway transportation.
Making up the stage plan of marshalling yard is a complex work, involving many factors, and its quality directly affects the order and efficiency of transportation production.
The contents of the thesis have been tested and verified on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Beijing Sanjiadian marshalling yard, the rationality and feasibility have been proved.
In this article, it is proposed that TDW905N controllable retarder, applied with microcomputer speed control system, is much suitable for automation improvement of small and middle Marshalling Yard.
In this article, it is proposed that TDW905N controllable retarder, applied with microcomputer speed control system, is much suitable for automation improvement of small and middle Marshalling Yard.