Martin Rees, the astronomer royal, calls the search for extraterrestrial life the most important scientific endeavour of our time.
Martin Rees, one of the world's most eminent astronomers, is a professor of cosmology and astrophysics at the University of Cambridge and the UK's Astronomer Royal.
Martin Rees ,全世界最有卓越的天体物理学家之一,剑桥大学的宇宙和天体物理学家,英国皇家天文学家。
Astronomer Royal Martin Rees has publicly offered a bet that a biological catastrophe-accidental or intentional-will kill at least one million people by 2020 (so far, no takers).
天文学家RoyalMartin Rees给出一个公开的赌注:他预言将会有一场生物学灾难-偶然事故或人为故意-到2020将会令至少一百万人丧生(迄今为止,无人接招)。
Martin Rees, a cosmologist at the University of Cambridge, commended the choice of dark energy for the Nobel. "This award recognises an important and surprising discovery, " he says.
剑桥大学宇宙科学家Martin Rees就暗能量获诺贝尔奖评论说:“该奖承认了一项惊人的重大发现,即使空旷的宇宙包含着能量,它发挥的反引力推动着宇宙加速膨胀。
Martin Rees, a cosmologist at the University of Cambridge, commended the choice of dark energy for the Nobel. "This award recognises an important and surprising discovery, " he says.
剑桥大学宇宙科学家Martin Rees就暗能量获诺贝尔奖评论说:“该奖承认了一项惊人的重大发现,即使空旷的宇宙包含着能量,它发挥的反引力推动着宇宙加速膨胀。