The only filmmaker whose work Jiang admits as having an impact on him is Martin Scorsese.
If Martin Scorsese has his way, Daniel Day-Lewis may soon end a self-imposed sabbatical from acting.
Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson are his favorite actors, and Martin Scorsese is his favorite director.
1976 - The Band gives its last public performance, Martin Scorsese is on hand to film it (see: The last Waltz).
THE HOSTESS: Martin Scorsese as a rather neurotic passenger addressing a silent Robert DeNiro in a 1976's "Taxi Driver".
With a forward by Martin Scorsese, anyone who picks up this book can delve into the mind of a legendary director at work.
But New York itself is the subject of many movies by directors who come from New York, such as Woody Allen and Martin Scorsese.
Leading Hollywood figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Juliette Binoche condemned his arrest.
The Renaissance man in the film industry idolizes Martin Scorsese: "His greatest success comes from his constant self-challenge."
And directors Martin Scorsese and Baz Luhrmann have reportedly complained that the vogue for surgery has undermined actors' ability to express emotion.
The Departed was the big winner at this year's Academy Awards, taking home four awards including Best Picture and Best Director for Martin Scorsese.
《无间行者》包揽了四项大奖,包括“最佳影片”,马丁·斯科赛斯获得的“最佳导演”, 成了奥斯卡全场大赢家。
The Martin Scorsese production was also honoured for its ensemble cast, which includes Liverpudlian Stephen Graham and Scottish actress Kelly Macdonald.
Below: the tension of Travis Bickle, keeping his television perpetually balanced on the edge of smashing to the floor: "Taxi Driver" (Martin Scorsese, 1976).
The characters are mostly tortured, unsympathetic, larger-than-life guys created with the help of a tiny club of A-list directors, most notably Martin Scorsese.
The characters are mostly tortured, unsympathetic, larger-than-life guys created with the help of a tiny club of A-list directors, most notably Martin Scorsese.