Scientists studying optics and chromatics today still marvel at his findings.
He had helped me lift the veil that grows so quickly over our eyes in this hectic world, and to see all those things I'd failed to marvel at before.
What we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the works of genius or the achievements of prodigies are the manifestations of skills or abilities which are similar to, but so much superior to, our own.
Visitors still marvel at the dome, the crowning feature of the cathedral.
First, an "everyday" mode in which we marvel at the way things are in the world.
Visitors can cruise down the Yangtze and marvel at its peerless size and breadth.
It was enough to make you marvel at the rarity of wrong calls by on-the-spot referees.
ONE can only marvel at the financial sector's ingenuity in finding new assets to trade.
One can only stand and marvel at the mind of the mason who brought this artistry into being.
Regina would marvel at his ingenuity, then make him sit for a cup of coffee and a few cookies.
Japan: Visitors marvel at Asia's largest aquarium viewing window at the Okinawa Churaumi aquarium.
At this time of the year they marvel at the laziness of their European Cousins, particularly the French.
Future historians will marvel at the austerity madness that gripped policy elites in the spring of 2010.
Now take that balance that you experience and think of what you will create - you will marvel at the result.
Freed from the bonds of judgment, married only to perception, it carries us to predictions we will later marvel at.
We marvel at the resilient child who survives the most toxic parents and home environment and goes on to a life of success.
In the lobby, tourists marvel at the artwork: giant fantasias of peaks and temples; gold peacocks with spreading enamel tails.
So for now, the world will just have to be content to marvel at the amazing and historic double Olympic victory by Usain Bolt.
You look at them closely and you marvel at the perfectly organized little trails that the ants have across their territory.
As for her prose style, even the greatest cynic has to marvel at the control with which she employs her characteristic irony.
Also, learn about the 4 c's of picking a gem and marvel at the women who wore the most remarkable engagement rings in history.
Even though it doesn't mean anything on the outset, when you know how the image is generated you would marvel at the thought of it.
In this city, though, fresh batches of dewy girls spring eternal and I do not roll my eyes when they marvel at new-to-them benchmarks.
It is also a must-see for the scores of tourists who flock to it every year to marvel at its formidable elegance and massive spires.
When we see lions and polar bears, we marvel at how well these animals have adapted themselves to the savannah and the polar ice caps.
When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress.
There is much to marvel at, such as the pictures of China in 1948, which capture the photographer's powerful sense of formal composition.
There is much to marvel at, such as the pictures of China in 1948, which capture the photographer's powerful sense of formal composition.