One easy way is to stash masking tape and a marking pen in the kitchen so you can label all edibles with "purchased on" and "opened on" dates.
There was nothing on the walls but bits of masking tape and, in one corner, a small portrait of Leonard, done in pencil.
It is known that Mondrian painted his stripes by laying down strips of paper, the way decorators and contemporary painters use masking tape.
With this approach I then set about wrapping my foot in tracing paper, then binding it up in masking tape and then drawings various geometries onto and over the form of my foot.
Heating the front side causes the masking tape to come loose, resulting in uneven tension and waviness.
Or, masking tape and a marker.
Both methods start out the same by aligning the graphics to the window, whether it's a car or storefront, using a couple pieces of masking tape stuck to each side of the graphic.
A masking tape for polymer thread, used for masking when painting on double color safety pole. It has excellent solution resistance, tear retardant, especially for arc curve color division.
General purpose cloth based tape. It's used for packaging, masking, switch case, electrical components, fixing tag, etc.
We offer a masking tape required of a printed circuit board manufacturing process, the poly - imide tape required for various electric devices, and various kinds of tapes for a shield.
The masking tape holds the bottom portion of the graphics in place and helps ensure that everything stays aligned.
Prior to starting to squeegee I add a couple pieces of masking tape along the outer edge of the graphic as alignment marks.
If you are using a brush for painting, the kind of masking tape that you choose can be important.
To close a box securely , do not use masking tape , cellophane tape , duct tape , string or paper over - wrap.
Cut shapes for the eyes, nose and mouth out of masking tape, and place them on the jar.
He put masking tape round the edges of the glass while he painted the window frame.
Under no circumstances shall ordinary wrapping tape or masking tape be used.
Take a loop of masking tape and tape the board, copper side up, to a piece of cardboard (eg. the back of a writing pad).
Don't forget to put some masking tape on the Windows before you paint the frames.
Apply masking tape over the strap button's screw hole and punch through the tape at the hole.
I photo-copied the decals 85% size by copy machine. Attach it back side of a transparent sheet. Put masking tape on other side and cut letters out.
I hoto-copied the decals 85% size by copy machine. Attach it back side of a transparent sheet. ut masking tape on other side and cut letters out.
Masking tape: a translucent, light-blocking red adhesive tape for masking out the protected areas on film.
This paper introduces the masking tape characteristic and coating method, describes detailedly the basic structure and disposition of the coater for the masking tape production.
Some potential targets fight back with a simple countermeasure: a sticker or a patch of masking tape over the camera lens.
OPP packing tape, double sided tape, masking tape, kraft tape, copy paper.
Now finishing sealant, and remove masking tape.
The packaging machine is attached to vats for mixing the jelly by pipes held together with masking tape;
The crepe paper used in the coating of masking tape, including the use, the producing process, the finishing processes, and the market of the crepe paper were briefly introduced.
The crepe paper used in the coating of masking tape, including the use, the producing process, the finishing processes, and the market of the crepe paper were briefly introduced.