This essay introduces the theory and method of helium mass-spectrum leak detection for vacuum system of condenser.
Gas phase chromatography, mass spectrum and infrared spectrum are used to characterize the novel silanes structures.
Accurate position of mass spectrum peak was ascertained through mass calibration for instrument.
The IR spectrum and mass spectrum show that the CH film mainly consists of polystyrene.
Steranes and terpanes exist in saturated hydrocarbon component of oil and source rock, and they are usually identified by gas chromatogram-mass spectrum.
The compound structure is verified by melting point, IR, NMR, element analysis, mass spectrum and optical rotation.
METHODS Gas chromatography mass spectrum(GC MS) was employed to detect the concentration of 3 MCPD in the blood after ig.
Constant conductance method USES partial pressure measurement technology, which has no strict request to outgassing rate of mass spectrum analysis chamber.
Such current disturbs the zero out-put basic line of the light mass number region, so that it's very difficult to measure and record the height of spectrum peaks of the light mass number region.
Second, aimed at the ionization and dissociation mass spectrum of trimethylamine.
The structure of objective product was confirmed by characterization with Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and mass spectrometer (MS).
The helium mass spectrum analyzes leakage analysis is one of the popular leak detection method.
Phase distributions of heavy metals in pyrite were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrum with sequential extraction procedure.
Study of the burst energy, duration, interval and spectrum suggested that this source could be a strange star accreting matter from its low - mass companion.
The results of mass spectrum analysis are discussed.
The probability mass function of queueing delay, the autocorrelation and power spectrum of delay jitter for this periodic cell stream are derived.
And although there is a great mass of similarity in infrared spectrum, the results still show differences in the characteristic peaks of infrared spectrum between unzymic and zymic Pu'er tee.
A model of mass transfer coefficients in liquid phase near free gas-liquid interface is developed based on the energy spectrum functions of isotropic turbulence.
Volume II covers an equally wide spectrum, from mass spectrometry to embryonic stem cells.
We also present theexpressions for the excitation spectrum, lifetime, and effective mass of quasi-particles.
The method including the process of extraction chromatography and the mass spectrum measurement for the exact analysis of micro neptunium in the existence of large quantity of uranium is established.
IR spectra, mass spectrum and 1H NMR characterize it. Its surface tension, cmc, emulsification, moistening property, froth property and complex property are tested.
With gas chromatographic and mass spectrum (GC-MS) analysis technology, the chemical composition of biomass tar and its distillations were analyzed.
主要采用色谱-质谱联机(GC - MS)成分分析法对生物质焦油及其馏分试样进行成分分析。
The subcellular localization and mass spectrum identification of the protein m 24 ku, pI 6.
A primary measurement of mass spectrum on Tokamak KT-5 is presented.
The structures and compositions of the purified petroleum acids were characterized by using infra-red spectrum, nuclear magnetic resonance and negative-ion electrospray ionization mass spectrum.
Thermal degradation of polystyrene was investigated with thermogravimetry-mass spectrum analysis (TG-MS).
In the course of analyzing the full-scan mass spectrum, the compounds with molecular weight 548 and 396 are founded to be never reported.
In the course of analyzing the full-scan mass spectrum, the compounds with molecular weight 548 and 396 are founded to be never reported.