"Apparently you don't have to have a bulge to form a massive black hole," said Reines.
There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate.
The jet is powered by accretion onto a supermassive black hole, one of the most massive black holes yet discovered.
A massive black hole is sending out jets of particles that crash into the cloud, causing pressure waves to ripple outward.
The two supermassive black holes in the original galactic cores will also coalesce into a single, even more massive black hole.
The Milky Way is smaller than many galaxies, however, and it has a correspondingly less massive black hole — roughly 2.6 million SUNS worth.
That's a startling speed for a globe of gas far bigger than our sun, and it convinced even the skeptics that a super massive black hole was responsible.
Massive black holes are common in present-day galaxy clusters, but this is the first time a feeding black hole of this size has been linked to a cluster that is so young.
The most massive black hole in the universe weighs in at 18 billion times the mass of the sun — six times as massive as the previous record holder and as massive as a small galaxy.
Astronomers say it is the most distant quasar, a massive black hole surrounded by luminous gas, that they have ever seen as well as the brightest object to be sighted in the early universe.
But for now, GRS 1915 continues to provide useful information that researchers can apply to understanding its super-massive black hole Cousins, which can defy observation for timescale reasons.
Most galaxies in our universe are bound together into clusters that dot the cosmic landscape like urban sprawls, usually centred around one old, monstrous galaxy containing a massive black hole.
Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it.
The key to forming a black hole is cramming enough mass or energy into a small enough volume as happens when a massive star collapses.
The key to forming a black hole is cramming enough mass or energy into a small enough volume, as happens when a massive star collapses.
Neutron stars are restricted in how massive they can be ? if they weigh over a certain limit, then gravity would have collapsed the object further into a black hole.
The fuel for this black hole comes from powerful winds blown off dozens of massive young stars that are concentrated nearby.
A black hole weighs as much as a massive star but it's crammed into an area smaller than a pea.
A black hole, simply put, is a massive, dead star whose gravity is so intense than even light cannot escape, hence its name.
The intense radiation was part of a gamma-ray burst that lasted a minute and which marked the death of a massive star transmogrifying itself into a black hole.
Finite motion of massive scalar particle in gravitational field of a black hole with weak relativistic approximation is discussed.
The black hole could help scientists better understand how massive stars explode, which ones leave behind black holes or neutron stars, and the number of black holes in our galaxy and others.
The black hole could help scientists better understand how massive stars explode, which ones leave behind black holes or neutron stars, and the number of black holes in our galaxy and others.
The identification of an object as a black hole requires the further assumption that no other object (or bound system of objects) could be so massive and compact.
A microquasar is formed after a very massive star explodes, leaving behind a black hole around 10 to 20 times the mass of the sun, which then starts feeding on gas from a surviving companion star.
A black hole is a massive star, which is collapsing inward at the speed of light.
A black hole is a massive star, which is collapsing inward at the speed of light.