My master only shook his head and said, "Not yet."
If you do well, you can hold up your head; but if not, sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is toward you, yet you can be his master.
Beddgelert, however, was barely alive. Nonetheless, he found the strength to wag his tail and to raise his head from the bed to greet his master.
If you can master even one of these, you'll have a head-start on your friends.
The crown chakra on a fully realized person can be as large as the entire head and even bigger on a Master.
Dilcey was head woman and midwife at Twelve Oaks, and, since the marriage six months ago, Pork had deviled his master night and day to buy Dilcey, so the two could live on the same plantation.
But just as he was about to put his head under his wing, his beady eyes caught a flash of red and a glimpse of a long pointed nose, and there just below him stood Master Fox.
Bertuccio hung down his head before the imperious look of his master, and remained motionless, without making any answer.
Head Mr. Beng Bengtiao, is unique in the world, unprecedented flea master.
But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! For it was borrowed.
He was sitting before the Master with his head bent down, as if absorbed in some deep thought.
At first floor level a new master suite was added which poked its head out around the existing building and benefited from dual aspect views - from woodlands to fields.
At God's footstool to confess, a poor soul knelt, and bowed his head. "I failed! " He cried. The Master said, "Thou didst thy best, that's success. "
Then we head into UDK and setup a master shader with parameters that can be easily tweaked, as well as make your leaves and grass move in the wind!
Playing Code master gives children a head start in computer science, engaging them early in the subject and laying a foundation for mastering advanced programming skills.
In the Master's Manifesto, you will find that our Master turns the world's standards on its head.
I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head - master, Mr Reginald Page, will be retiring next week.
He saw a cloud of smoke over his master's head and thought his master was on fire. He rushed out and a few minutes later came back with a pail of water. He threw the water in his master's face.
Penny had been searching for a new master since the day her brother Groat had lost his head. She wants someone to take care of her, someone to tell her what to do.
They are long enough, already, ' observed Master Linton, peeping from the doorway; 'I wonder they don't make his head ache.
They are long enough, already, ' observed Master Linton, peeping from the doorway; 'I wonder they don't make his head ache.