Master of Engineering Management awarded by the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Bob Chow, being a master of engineering, senior engineer, is now the general manager of STEC.
The final goal of Master of Engineering education is to train qualified engineers for industrial and mining enterprises.
Michael was born in Helsingborg, Sweden in 1943 and earned a master of engineering degree from the Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden.
Thee diagram above clearly illustrates that dramatic elevation has occurred in the recruitment of Master of Engineering (ME) in the past seven years.
In order to foster excellent master of engineering, we must break the barrier of different majors, and create a nice atmosphere of big-engineering major.
Later, he pursued graduate study at the University of New South Wales in Australia and received a Master of Engineering Science degree in Civil Engineering.
Sun achieved his Master of Engineering degree from Tsinghua University in 1985, and completed an advanced management program in Harvard Business School in 2000.
孙宏斌先生于1985 年在清华大学取得工学硕士学位, 2000 年在哈佛商学于院完成高级管理课程。
Master of engineering should have the engineering background; the thesis should come from production and research work of the enterprise and engineering departments.
The enterprise circles' concerning for and participating in master of engineering education is the important condition to guarantee the quality master of engineering education.
However, China has cultured more than ten years of engineering master's training, for our country just beginning to train full-time Master of Engineering to provide a reference.
In recent years, with the Master of Engineering Education and the rapid expansion of the scale, the quality of their training more and more causes for close attention and concern.
It's an important professional course for the students of Industrial Engineering&Management, Mechanical Engineering, Management Science&Engineering and Master of Engineering program in these areas.
课程简介: 学时学分先修课程开课学期数据库基础管理信息系统是工业工程与管理、机械工程、管理科学与工程、及其相应的工程硕士专业的一门重要的专业基础课程。
Here again, Japanese master builders of a thousand years ago anticipated concepts of modern structural engineering.
At the end of 2001, the Chinese university system instituted the Master of Software Engineering degree.
Kai holds a Doctorate degree in technology and a Master of Science degree in Engineering from the Tampere University of technology in Finland.
Kai Oistamo毕业于芬兰Tampere技术学院,拥有科技博士学位及工程科学硕士学位。2005进入Nokia集团董事局。
Wouter Baars has a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Management Science.
Wouter Baars拥有工业工程和管理科学硕士学位。
The evaluation of education quality for engineering master is an important part which can ensure and improve the education quality of engineering master.
Specific item of graduation reply should conduct according to the Engineering Master Degree-Awarding Rules of Qingdao University of Science and Technology.
A set of design input requirements, when converted to engineering terminology, finalized and accepted as part of the device master record is called a device or product specification.
The method is easy to master, and then, can be used for the definition of design spectra in the seismic microzonation small or moderate cities, and in the site evaluation of engineering projects.
The evaluation of education quality for engineering master has been an important assurance to improve the quality of engineering master education.
To learn engineering mechanics and do engineering computation, we must master the drawing methods of internal force diagram.
Master of Architecture And Civil Environment Engineering, Wuhan University. 2004.
I graduated from Canada in Civil Engineering Program, then I study music in theory and composition, after that I take the Master of music distance learning in Beijing.
To pursue further studies I wish to enter the Graduate School of Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study for the degree of Master of Science.
It is a great honor for me to attend the second-round examination for the master of Biomedical Engineering. I hereby extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you.
I participated in organization of environmental program in University of Macau for both bachelor and master courses as well as establishment of environmental engineering laboratory in the university.
I participated in organization of environmental program in University of Macau for both bachelor and master courses as well as establishment of environmental engineering laboratory in the university.