We shall have frost tonight. Don't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat.
We shall have frost tonight, don't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat.
If you want to start practicing yoga daily, set your yoga mat out every night, so you see it when you first wake up.
A man in a plaid shirt emerges from the folds of his collapsed tent and rolls up a foam mat.
周六,蒙蒙细雨。 上午10点刚过,一个穿花格衬衫的男人从倒塌的帐篷里爬出来,卷起泡沫睡垫。
And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around in his 11 tatters with false 12 bravado, a kind of street pride that couldn't acknowledge defeat.
He said to the paralyzed man, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home."
Just keep showing up for the practice and keep inquiring about what your motivation is each time you step on the mat.
He plucked the burning cigarette up from the mat.
The judo star opted to wear her hair in tight cornrows with the rest of her locks piled into a messy up 'do - clearly as a way to keep her hair away from her face whilst wrestling on the mat.
As she got up from the floor mat, a sharp pain shot through her left foot, but she fought to hold back tears.
In a corner, behind a table leg, in the frays at the end of a mat, or hidden under a heater, they kept turning up.
Work in office division by day, fill up moistureproof mat to sleep in big assembly room in the evening.
Wipe and dry the plastic mat, then clean the sponge, hang the drying cloth up to dry and replace it with a fresh one.
But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive SINS... "Then he said to the paralytic," Get up, take your mat and go home.
Clean your shoes on the mat, or you'll muck up the floor.
Firm up your kneecaps and thighs to prevent them lifting off the mat.
We shall have frost donight , do n't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat .
He just stood up, picked up his mat, tucked it under his arm, and walked home.
If the mat lives up to its promise, you may even save some money in the long run.
But after he learnt the amiableness from Laotse, not only his family member no longer line up to see him off, but also they scrambled with him for space on the mat to have a rest.
In addition, we set up a PBMT Engine based on this algorithm. And the Engine involves the pattern-selected to avoid the problems mat come from the miss-matching of patterns.
In addition, we set up a PBMT Engine based on this algorithm. And the Engine involves the pattern-selected to avoid the problems mat come from the miss-matching of patterns.