They do not spurn material progress but want a greater share of it-along with freedom and equality.
While information technology makes it possible to multiply and distribute content worldwide and almost at no cost, legal restrictions on the reuse of copyright material hamper progress.
Even "mere material progress" means an immense gain in human, cultural and spiritual values.
And it is not just that material progress does not seem to be delivering the emotional goods.
Now the function of mechanical products, structure, shape and material of the continuous improvement, precision, produce progress by mass produce type to many varieties small batch conversion.
The result indicates that the agricultural growth mainly relies on material expenses investment and scientific progress, the contribution of labor force and arable land is quite limited.
In the knowledge economy era, as the most important manufacture factor, human capital has become the source of the wealth increase and economy progress which overcome material capital.
The welding technology in our country has made a great progress, and our country becomes the largest welding material consumption country in the world.
Candidate recommendation is also a "work in progress" and should not be used as reference material. The document may be updated, obsolete, and replaced at any time.
Culture to him, as to the Orientals, with whom he lived so much and sympathized so deeply, was an affair of the spirit and of mind not to be measured by material progress, or, even by the arts.
The employees demand timely confirmation, proper spiritual or material incentives should be offered to them if they make progress, such as honor, promotion and bonuses.
The progress in the production technology for PVC resin and its raw material vinyl chloride were introduced, and the varieties and application field of PVC products were discussed.
This article briefly reviews progress in immunology and related research of heterologous bone as scaffold material of bone tissue engineering.
The hydrothermal measure has got the very important application in inorganic powder material. This text overview progress of hydrothermal measure in recent years and predict it development prospect.
This paper introduced the progress of the study on material removal mechanisms in ceramic grinding, some conclusions and Suggestions are given.
Under the premise of ensuring the quality and progress, the first party how to reasonably control costs confession material is very worth exploring.
Try to replace the metal -nanocluster layer with different material and make some basic progress in expanding the structure and process of device fabrication .
The standard of social progress takes into account progress in both the material respect and the spiritual one.
The recent progress of researches on supercapacitors using carbon material, metal oxides and conducing polymer as electrode materials are described in this review paper.
The main cause that consumption impel technological knowledge progress is the heterogeneous material environment, mood and social moral.
The status and latest progress on the study of material are reviewed emphatically, including physicochemical properties, structure & composition, mechanism of synthesis and preparation.
The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily connected to the material progress and well-being of all other countries.
From the point of gaining polymer-based nano-composites material, the conception, character and application progress of various preparation methods was summarized.
This paper presents the progress of organic white light-emitting diodes studying in terms of light-emitting zone, device structure, and material selection.
Leisure is the crystal of human's material and spiritual civilization. It's also the scale to measure the social civilized progress and the important feature of life in modern society.
No significant progress in the material world can be made till you have simplified an understanding, settled on a plan and sorted out at least some of the uncertainty.
Culture to him, as to the Orientals, with whom he lived so much and sympathized so deeply, was an affair of the spirit and of mind not to be measured by material progress, or, even by the arts.
The large progress has been obtained about the research and application of aluminum electrode material in recent years.
The large progress has been obtained about the research and application of aluminum electrode material in recent years.