Chest laboratory work, the chest materials testing, sheet resistance scratches.
The second aspect is related to a new configuration of open-ended coaxial probe proposed for concave surface materials testing.
Coursework includes the basics of electrical theory, physics, mechanics, heat transfer, materials testing, system controls, and other subjects.
Through the analysis of the construction problems in the material and testing common problems, construction materials testing measures are put forward.
A radioactive isotope of cobalt with mass number '0 and exceptionally intense gamma-ray activity, used in radiotherapy, metallurgy, and materials testing.
Purchasing has a scientific management system of complete and strict supplier evaluation and raw materials testing, which works on ERP and plan for entire project .
Additionally, we also provide materials testing, characterization, and forensic laboratory services for a wide range of commercial, industrial, regulatory, and law enforcement clients.
Designers spent more than one year choosing and testing ideal materials, and finally picked a new kind of material that can resist the very difficult conditions on the Moon.
After testing different combinations, they chose two materials that worked: a silver-plated yarn that can light up and a kind of thread that conducts electricity.
After testing hundreds of materials, they baked a piece of coiled cotton thread until it was all carbon.
As a result, we got our testing and those teams got the training and materials required for their tasks.
Carmakers acknowledge that this means they are being forced to use lower quality materials and spend less time on testing.
There is more: a 2% increase in materials such as latex gloves and hairnets, a 5% increase in lab supplies for milk testing and an 8% increase in the chemicals used to clean the plant and equipment.
Extensive testing ensures that materials hold up in the retail setting, and constant contact with customers helps keep projects on schedule.
Our initial user testing found that many IBC members preferred to print materials for offline viewing, such as conference agendas and session materials.
In 1999, sales forecasts for the maker of diabetic-testing materials and equipment were driven by the sales and marketing departments using standard business software.
Bigger engines running hotter may deliver greater fuel efficiency, but they are also testing the limits of modern materials.
Delivering a system without moderately detailed requirements (beyond User Stories) is not acceptable for testing, writing training materials, and production support purposes.
As a result, many companies now offer instructional programs for homeschooled children, including books, CD-Rom educational materials and Internet learning and testing.
An American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) label.
The process took approximately nine months to complete and included several applications with supporting technical materials, product testing and factory inspections.
Compliance may shown by testing the packaging or based on calculations from heavy metal testing of the packaging materials.
In Madagascar, drones fly blood and laboratory materials from rural villages to a research station for testing.
The testing and characterizing methods of flame retardant materials have been reviewed in this paper.
The program includes use of X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and other techniques for testing materials on the molecular level.
Since no company has perfected the chemical vapor deposition process, Applied materials is testing out their process using a variety of methods and materials.
Right now, Google is testing various materials for the mirrors, with cost and ease of manufacturing as the top priorities.
Materials and products are tested according to registered testing specifications. Methods have been validated according to the M-aster Validation Program.
Materials and products are tested according to registered testing specifications. Methods have been validated according to the M-aster Validation Program.