That reminds me, did I do well on my math test yesterday?
He'd got something to cheer me up and pretended it was the math test that I'd missed.
Studied hard for the test and aced my math test with a high score of 99!
When you're taking a big math test, you know that your brain is hard at work.
I heard that in the math test, Lolo got 95 points, how much you biennial exam?
Easier said than done. How am I going to get an a on a Math test without cheating?
Today, I decided to cheat on my math test by writing a couple equations on my hand.
No thanks. I still need to study for our math test tomorrow. Have you studied already?
Ask “How do you think you did on the math test?” “Did Mr. Phipps say anything funny today?”
譬如,“你觉得这次数学考试题答的怎么样啊?” “菲普斯老师今天说了什么有趣的事儿吗?”
It is crucial that I study for the math test because it makes up 30% of the final exam.
If you are in the English classroom to prepare for the math test, it is rob Peter to pay Paul.
Its 1:15 AM and Morgan cant sleep because shes worried about the math test she has in the morning.
Sophie: Oh, I am afraid of going home. I wish I could take the Math test again to get better grade.
Jimmy: Not too bad. I think I passed the English and math test. The questions were very easy. How about you?
When I was on the way back home after buying some food, she told me that she got 89 scores in the math test.
In a second experiment, 39 undergraduate participants were surveyed on their views of God several days before the math test.
Xiao Gao: My science test was a little rough, but I did well on the others. How about your math test, did you ace it again?
Lying on the floor of my room, I begin to think that probably I've been bad all along. It just took this math test to clinch it.
But usually we don't call it mathematics - and we certainly don't give people a pass on the math test because they can park their car.
After 14 weeks, students who chewed gum had a 3% increase in standardized math test scores and had final math grades better than the others.
I also remember getting my math test back and sometimes wondered why I never got consistent "a" s like the student sitting two seats away from me.
Last year, for example, a fourth grader had to get 37 out of 70 possible points on the math test to reach level 3 (out of 4), or grade level.
When you're supposed to be writing your history paper, for example, your brain may want to start worrying about a math test that's coming up.
When you're supposed to be writing your history paper, for example, your brain may want to start worrying about a math test that's coming up.