A team at the University of Cambridge came up with the theory by applying a mathematical model to the various factors that characterise males and females.
Initially, having so much power over sound could be overwhelming - looking at the number of parameters you can adjust in the real-time mathematical model.
The researchers applied a mathematical model to calculate the rate of accumulation of species, also called the diversification rate.
Data from the high-resolution flight images allowed the researchers to create a near-perfect mathematical model of how the flexible, twisting wings propel the insect through the air.
The rationalists' conviction is based on the mathematical model they use to understand the financial markets.
Parametric methods are very useful for subjecting uncertain situations to the rigors of a pre-defined and proven mathematical model.
Bojowald found he had to create a new mathematical model to use with the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity in order to explore the universe before the Big Bounce with more precision.
In the new work, the researchers created a mathematical model that weighed the fungal protection benefits versus the metabolic cost of high body temperature.
Based on the amount of AMH women had, scientists used a mathematical model to estimate when women would go into menopause.
However, he has managed to develop a mathematical model that explains the distribution of the second digits, putting what might appear to be a statistical oddity on a more solid footing.
A mathematical model finds that a temperature of about 98.6 F is high enough to ward off the majority of fungal infections, but still low enough to only require a manageable level of food intake.
Each new problem the researchers' software is called upon to solve requires its own mathematical model.
There are two aspects of the free-rider problem apparent in this simple mathematical model.
The researchers developed a mathematical model that suggested that the impact of the transmission of these bacteria from agriculture may be more significant than that of hospital transmissions.
They also applied a mathematical model that reveals the processes that contribute to this effect.
We can measure CPU usage once a minute, convert the result into a power usage using a defined mathematical model, and submit the result to AMEE for a high-resolution estimate of emissions.
"It is a pretty simple mathematical model but it predicted a very exquisite pattern of data," Cowan told LiveScience.
The resulting data were used to build a mathematical model of Van Gogh's style against which the other paintings could tested.
There has to be the mathematical model, which I just presented, but it may be more complicated.
By combining these factors, Rapoport created a mathematical model of how long and how fast runners of any size can go without hitting the wall.
Within a mathematical model things are perfectly clear, even when doing fuzzy logic.
The mystery of why leaves take such different shapes is closer to being solved thanks to a new mathematical model that looks at the problem from the perspective of leaf veins.
But their mathematical model assumes the prices in markets are always correct.
We can build a simple mathematical model of the behaviour of concurrent MDB usage.
我们可以构建并发m DB使用的行为的简单数学模型。
Second, a previously developed stochastic mathematical model of IPTi was used to predict the number of cases likely to be averted by implementing IPTi under different epidemiological conditions.
Of course, it\'s easy to pour cold water on some of the assumptions made in Edlund and Korn\'s mathematical model.
Remember, Giapetto's mathematical model is a maximization problem, so the keyword maximize is appropriate instead of the opposite keyword, minimize.
And it didn't lead him to a precise mathematical model.
And it didn't lead him to a precise mathematical model.