Perhaps, with such powers of invention and mathematical ability, he will be offered a job in computers.
A meta-analysis to be published in the journal can be added to the pile of evidence that finds no significant gender difference in mathematical ability.
He towers above his fellow students in mathematical ability.
Series of tests have been designed to assess their mathematical ability.
When Gill is doing the monthly accounts, her mathematical ability comes to the fore.
The so-called special mathematical ability, might as well say it's very exact memory and unusually keen attention.
Tests of mathematical ability were carried out by Johns Hopkins University in Boston on gifted children aged between 11 and 13.
For example, having an aptitude for math doesn't necessarily mean a career using your mathematical ability should be in your future.
On the application of high school math teaching strategy also stressed the reading and mathematical ability to calculate the training.
The director of the Polytechnic was amazed at his mathematical ability and arranged for him to complete his entrance requirements in Switzerland.
The left side of the brain controls: mathematical ability, ability to solve logic problems, controls language skills, remembers names, dates, and facts.
The mechanical engineer now has the mathematical ability to calculate the mechanical advantage that results from the complex interaction of many different mechanisms.
Training mathematical ability is the developing trend of reforms to math teaching at home and abroad and also an important task of math teaching in primary and secondary schools.
Look at history and you will see that practically no women have excelled in areas where spatial ability and mathematical reasoning are required, such as chess, composing and rocket science.
To a person of analytical ability, perceptive enough to realise that that mathematical equipment was a powerful sword in economics, the world of economics was his or her oyster in 1935.
But after puberty boys catch up and excel in mathematical reasoning as testosterone boosts their spatial ability.
In other words, King Kong will not neces-sarily show better mathematical reasoning ability than a man with a slow growing beard.
"We have descriptions of the ways we think words change and their ability to change into other words, and those descriptions can be turned into a mathematical language," he added.
On the average, males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and problem-solving skills.
QMF10 provides new analytic and mathematical functions and OLAP support dramatically enhance QMF's ability to deliver new function to business users — an important option for bi and analytics usage.
通过Q MF 10增强了业务分析和数据可视化解决方案:QMF10提供了新的分析和数学函数,并且OLAP支持大幅度地提高了QMF向业务用户提供新函数的能力。
With efficient mathematical processing on the Web and by using open source tools and technologies, you have the ability to collaboratively build a smarter planet.
Mathematical classroom education is ability of thinking of creativity of education student maths advocate one of position.
However, over time, this requirement is likely to be no longer guaranteed under the impact of factors such as the attack on the mathematical basis of the hash function or the ability to compute.
Rough Set is a new mathematical tool to deal with fuzzy and uncertain knowledge. It has strong knowledge obtaining ability.
The ability of syllogistic reasoning correlated with the mathematical achievement and the levels of intelligence.
Ability to solve mathematical problems is one of basic skills for math teachers.
Ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts such as exponents, logarithms, quadratic equations, and permutations.
Ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts such as exponents, logarithms, quadratic equations, and permutations.