The maximum allowable value for a semaphore would be exceeded.
High anti-scale efficiency. The maximum allowable value of LSI index in original water is 2.8, and it can control inorganic scales effectively within this range.
It is also found that there exists a maximum isolated structure period at which the height width ratio is zero or the displacement of the rubber bearing exceeds the allowable value.
It is also found that there exists a maximum isolation period, at which, the limit ratio is zero or the horizontal displacement of the rubber bearing exceeds the allowable value.
The maximum allowable vibration value shall be fixed later on.
In this paper, 6 typical variation conditions are calculated and analyzed. The maximum allowable deviation range of raceway position is determining as a control value for machining and measuring.
With the allowable maximum ground settlement as target value, a dynamic optimization model is designed to draw up the strategy(technical measures) controlling the effect of tunnelling on environment.
With the allowable maximum ground settlement as target value, a dynamic optimization model is designed to draw up the strategy(technical measures) controlling the effect of tunnelling on environment.