The W3C wisely explains, "In other situations, such as for APIs, UTF-16 or UTF-32 may be more appropriate.
IKeyman provides a graphical interface for working with key stores, and may be more appropriate for new users.
However there are other techniques that may be more appropriate depending on the SaaS application and its population of users.
In addition, depending on your plans, nationality and personal background, it may be more appropriate to enter under one of the business categories.
The problem with such models is that they can be very computationally expensive, so models that employ methods of approximation may be more appropriate.
But if you're specialized - an author interested in book publishing, a video game developer, or even a bio-technology expert - there are respective niche communities that may be more appropriate.
In a world where economies of scale do not matter any more, mass-manufacturing identical items may not be necessary or appropriate, especially as 3d printing allows for a great deal of customisation.
In a large system, there may be many requirements, more than we easily can remember to change at the appropriate time.
When implementation of a specific Business policy requires more than one rule type, start looking for patterns and there are some listed here that may be appropriate.
She may be able to monitor your nutritional intake more closely, and make dietary recommendations as appropriate for your individual.
This study highlights the problem of "validating" a technique in a cross-sectional study that may be more representative of a screening population and appropriate to investigate.
But Chinese parents increasingly realize that discussing and respecting their children's choices may be a more appropriate way to prepare them for modern society.
There is no such thing as a universally correct conceptual view of anything. But it may be that some perspectives are more appropriate in particular settings than others.
There may be certain products, such as children's medicine, that are more appropriate in a liquid form. However, these are the exceptions, not the rule.
Doctors should pay more attention to the disease, Medical history of female patients with acute abdomen may be detailed, so appropriate checks should be made to confirm or rule out the diseases.
Each iris anterior uveitis and more sustained attack Yan 4-8 weeks, may also be very stubborn, prolonged Fuyu, if appropriate treatment is generally not stay sequelae.
每一次前葡萄膜炎和虹膜炎发作多持续4 - 8周,也可能非常顽固,经久不愈,若治疗得当,一般不留后遗症。
Determining the range over which a more appropriate steam flowmeter may be used.
Determining the range over which a more appropriate steam flowmeter may be used.