The odour may be horribly from stink bombs and sewage, but new research suggests the foul fumes might not be all bad.
Forecasters say the storms may not be as bad as they initially predicted.
Using a cache when it is not necessary, or trying to make up for a bad application design with caching, may give you some initial quick wins, but would not be the best solution in the long run.
Though not all bad, these added chemicals may be the reason why homemade scrambled eggs taste so much better than McDonald's.
The prospect for equities may not be great, in other words—but they may still be the best of a bad lot.
The coming week may not be too bad for markets, but that doesn't mean the crisis is over.
It follows that public policy that does not take the importance of good and bad relationships into account may be blind to some of the connections between policy and happiness.
Contrary to what medical experts have been saying for years, a new study suggests salt may not be as bad for the heart as commonly believed.
Though results have been mixed about coffee's effects on human health, the research contributes to a growing body of evidence showing the beverage may not be that bad after all.
However, if the quality of the actual code is too bad, it may not be worth the effort of complete reengineering.
And that makes us think that perhaps a common, often-repeated password may not be such a bad thing after all.
In fact, doing so gives you the advantage of a slightly more optimized system and may not be a bad idea either way.
Having a bad reputation may not be desirable, but it does make you more likely to be seen — literally.
They may not be cute or cuddly and they suffer from a decidedly bad Press, but we will certainly miss them if they go.
The so-called “bad people” are apparently doing some things right, and the “good people,” well….they may not be doing everything perfectly.
The public has been assiduously softened up for fiscal pain; the reality may not be quite as bad as some fear.
The idea that the United States is uniquely virtuous may be comforting to Americans; too bad it's not true.
Remember, bad breath is not just socially unpleasant; it may be warning sign of undetected systemic disease.
Their efforts may be insufficient, but various lines of evidence suggest that any errors it is inserting are not too bad.
You may want to keep a few for special occasions when plastic is helpful-all plastic bags are not bad-just using too many of them can be!
But then the leaders of South Korea and China may not want him to be. Being able occasionally to beat Japan for its lack of remorse is not all bad.
Yet a prolonged period of high prices may not be bad news for everyone.
Not unambiguously good for Japan, in other words, but inflation may not be unambiguously bad either.
Though it may seem like a bad idea to be talking about this when you're starting the company - it's not.
You'll be surprised how something that seemed so difficult to retrofit may not be so bad after all.
Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate, and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future.
This is why it may not be a bad idea to try changing your pillowcase every night and see if that helps.
All the bad news may not yet be reflected on their balance-sheets; although they have had to take the hit on traded securities, like CMBSs, Banks are usually slow to write down property-related loans.
All the bad news may not yet be reflected on their balance-sheets; although they have had to take the hit on traded securities, like CMBSs, Banks are usually slow to write down property-related loans.