"I have tried, but it is of no use; I may just as well give up at once."
But of course, if you don't have to meet visitors, you may just as well choose a small and nice hotel to reduce travel costs.
Since no one else has applied for the job we may just as well give it to Mark, for he's been working in the field for over ten years anyway.
The greatest contribution to civilization in the century may well be the air-conditioning and American leads just as amazing is the speed with which this situation came to be.
So while it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they're running around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well.
While it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they're running around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well.
Mass transit may at times be crowded and uncomfortable, but with the escape to cyberspace just a few keystrokes away, buses and trains may well eclipse the car as the homes of true mobile freedom.
Just as you may reward your children when they do their chores with stickers on a chart or a weekly allowance, you deserve a treat when you get your job done as well.
You may as well just map the opcode "DELETE" to whatever function is appropriate for deletion in your environment and language, to take that example.
Our heroes may well motivate us, then, as long as we don't just admire them but are benignly envious.
Your plans will probably be wrong on anything that is new, so you may as well just start doing.
She may not have used the word "socialist" in her speech, but her bright red jacket and skirt expressed it just as well.
When we see the world with a well-defined space and time [or spacetime as Einstein put it] this may just be some particular state of the Universe that has emerged out of the Big Bang.
But, this is very interesting. I was just thinking about true friends I've had while we were talking, because as I keep telling you I learnt from being with you, I may not be able to use it too well.
For example, analysis of related contexts may highlight that identification of customers is critical, not just while they are in the potential state, but in all other states as well.
It may be just as well, because the LHC is not the only smasher looking for hints of the Higgs.
People just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes may be able to wait a few years before having their first dilated eye exam, but then should have one every year after as well.
In terms of students who went on to interesting or prominent lives, Colorado College may have done just as well in this period as Columbia or Cornell or any other Gotta-Get-In destination.
Known mental illness in a family can affect the chances of a successful match, not just for the individual but for siblings as well, so young women may well avoid psychiatric treatment.
Although duct tape has gotten all the publicity, it may be the case that other kinds of tape would do just as well.
Hear, o Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the LORD, the God of your fathers, promised you.
After all, I've never once heard someone read out their predictions telling them that today is going to be a rubbish day; may as well just stay in bed.
Although the framework works just as well in both environments, the average Flex developer may find some of the concepts foreign.
While aplain, well-seasoned bechamel or veloute may be served just as it is, theaddition of butter, cream, or egg yolks transforms it into something infinitelymore delicious.
Everytime we eat, drink and breathe, we do not just take good things into our bodies but harmful things as well - substances which may be toxic to the body.
Thus, it may well be that long periods of low intensity exercise may not be good for everyone, just as other types of training may not be applicable in all situations.
Thus, it may well be that long periods of low intensity exercise may not be good for everyone, just as other types of training may not be applicable in all situations.