Efforts to control MDR-TB are particularly vulnerable to such pressures because of the high level of human resources needed to diagnose and treat patients effectively.
However, more research is needed to determine whether there is an overlap between the MDR-TB and HIV epidemics worldwide.
Today, only some 3% of these estimated cases of MDR-TB are being treated according to WHO standards, while many more MDR-TB patients are mismanaged by various public and private providers.
Almost 50% of MDR-TB cases worldwide are estimated to occur in China and India.
A second way of developing MDR-TB or XDR-TB is when a patient's own TB develops resistance.
All the countries receiving this assistance have met WHO's technical standards for managing MDR-TB and already have treatment programmes in place.
And then when I was diagnosed with MDR-TB several months later, I was even more scared. I didn't know if I could be treated.
For countries with a strong private sector, such as the Philippines, the cost of treatment is prohibitive for most patients with MDR-TB.
MDR-TB is a form of TB that fails to respond to standard first-line drugs.
Projections for 2008 are much less than the target of 98 000 that was set in the Global MDR-TB/XDR-TB Response Plan.
2008年预计人数比全球耐多药结核/广泛耐药结核应对计划中规定的98 000人的目标要少得多。
People living with HIV have a higher risk of MDR-TB, with a greatly increased mortality and a greatly reduced survival time.
The drugs for the lengthy treatment of MDR-TB can cost more than 100 times that of the drugs to treat common tuberculosis strains.
Q: What concerns you about fighting MDR-TB in the future?
Worldwide, of those patients receiving treatment, 60% were reported as cured. However, only an estimated 7% of all MDR-TB patients are diagnosed.
Parts of China had some of the highest rates of MDR-TB in the world.
在中国的某些地区,MDR - TB的发生率已经达到了世界最严重的程度。
In support of the Beijing meeting's aims, planning tools are being developed to help countries scale up their MDR-TB control efforts.
MDR-TB takes longer to treat with second-line drugs, which are more expensive and have more side-effects.
These regions join two countries, Estonia and Latvia, which have reversed rising high rates of MDR-TB, ultimately achieving a decline.
Wherever second-line drugs to treat MDR-TB are being misused, the possibility of XDR-TB exists.
We also recognize that MDR-TB case Numbers are high, and that we expect more XDR-TB cases.
Further tests revealed those who failed treatment had MDR-TB; officials realized they had an epidemic of these cases.
This was 8.5% of the estimated global total of smear-positive cases of MDR-TB.
Some early results have been encouraging: One Almaty hospital, for instance, reported an 80% cure rate of MDR-TB patients in 2008.
Since 2009, the 23 countries most heavily affected by TB drug resistance have nearly doubled their budgets for MDR-TB.
It is time for countries with rapidly growing economies and a heavy burden of MDR-TB to step up their commitment and financing for their own MDR-TB programmes.
Previous reports found high levels of mortality among people living with HIV and infected with MDR-TB and XDR-TB.
The Philippines has tried to control multidrug-resistant TB (MDR -TB ) for nearly as long as any country in the world.
Q: Aside from money, what has been the most important factor in running a MDR-TB treatment programme?
Currently, less than 5% of the estimated MDR-TB cases are being detected by national TB programmes.
By the end of 2008, the MDR-TB project had treated 1316 patients in all.