In that case, don't say "Hey! You're trying to cheat me!" Instead, use the phrase, "I understood that."
I found it more beneficial to sacrifice tasks that only affected me, like watching my favorite TV shows, instead of sacrificing time with my family, friends, and girlfriend.
I have found that being able to report these exceptions with a specific error code (instead of a generic exception or, even worse, no reported error) has saved me hours tracking bugs.
It hurts me that I was wrong in my disagreement that instead Holland chose an ugly path to aim for the title.
Or when I tell people I am too tired to do something, I ask that they respect that instead of telling me I can do it anyway.
I never did find the stable boy, but what I saw instead convinced me that a single breach here and Rome would open up as easily as a wife’s legs to her handsome neighbor.
I knew people might be reluctant to talk to me, and I knew that most people were happy to accept a bottle of scotch instead of money if you offered it in exchange for their help.
When it comes to work, I too would like to someday do "not much" -saving my time and energy instead for activities and causes that are important to me.
Instead, I will concentrate on a few recent health trends that worry me, personally, the most.
Instead of allowing myself "just a couple of drinks", I set a rule of "no drinks at all, no matter what" before I go out - and that makes it much easier for me to keep to it.
In the long run, it really shouldn't have been that big a surprise to me that I feel best eating the simple foods that nature provides instead of man-made concoctions.
Initially, they didn't take me seriously at all, thinking instead that I had had enough of men.
He gave me a nonplussed look, so I gave up on the shallow pretence that I could speak any Turkish and, instead, went to get my phrasebook to show him the relevant words for "bicycle shop".
I've come to realize that ideas don't tend to just 'come' to me, but instead there are clear-cut actions I take to produce them.
It was that way with everything: instead of doing things for me, or excusing me, my mother insisted I find a way to do them myself.
If that would've been worth having, then — if the next chunk of my life would've been worth having — then it's bad for me that I die now instead of living for the next ten years.
Instead, I grabbed onto the back of a lorry that was chugging up the stiff slope and let it drag me to the top.
No; that does not satisfy me! I exclaimed: and indeed there was something in the hasty and unexplanatory reply which, instead of allaying, piqued my curiosity more than ever.
Instead I did a little experiment. I assumed he just wasn't that into me and I stopped calling him.
This allows me to catch errors I have missed - especially missing words or words that 'sort of sound the same' but are spelled differently (e.g. Front me instead of 'From me').
这样我能找出以前忽略掉的错误——特别是一些遗漏的和“听上去一样”实际拼写不同的词(例如:用‘Fromme’代替了Front me)。
Its RESTful API allows me to indicate that I am supplying an IATA code instead of a generic text-search term.
What was nice for me was that I was able to showcase 25 years of my career in a 2-hour evening, instead of focusing on the theme of just one album.
They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will educate me in the gentle way.
I wanted to tell her that I would buy her another dress or that she could depend on me for anything but I held back as it was not going to sound right. Instead I said.
I knew that my father regarded me as a woman instead of a girl, the first time he took off his hat to me when we met.
I was able to buy it a little over a year ago, because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn't fit.
I was able to buy it a little over a year ago, because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn't fit.