When it comes to quality of living the mean streets of his native UK are no match for the beautiful boulevards of Zurich.
Rodriquez has encountered something more frightening than $4.50-a-gallon gasoline: the mean streets of L. A. , home of the nation's most entrenched car culture.
The young Jaxxon landed on Nar Shaddaa, and spent the next few years honing his streetwise survival skills and razor-sharp wit on the mean streets of the vertical cities.
The mean streets of Britain are seeing the emergence of gang members of primary school age who are prepared to fight, rob, deal drugs and even kill to uphold the reputation of their "crews".
But Brazilian women are making inroads into this male-dominated profession, not just policing Rio's mean streets but also occupying some of the highest ranks in the corporation.
Most people, he said, believe that wild street dogs make the best anti-terrorist dogs, having survived the, well, dog-eat-dog world of the mean streets.
Through observing urban streets and analyzing theories of urban street vitality, it puts forward that the abundant people activities in urban street mean the vitality of urban streets.
On the television evening news, reporters mouthed the latest grim statistic against a back - drop of mean streets and smoking buildings.
Poverty may mean having no home, sleeping in the streets, getting wet when it rains, going for days with no food, or perhaps dying of sickness and hunger.
Poverty may mean having no home, sleeping in the streets, getting wet when it rains, going for days with no food, or perhaps dying of sickness and hunger.