The result is, in effect, a liquid sponge, and means the mixture can be stored indefinitely, like ordinary diesel, without risk of separation.
Clarity, structure, movement, separation, union -photos can convey messages instantly to the viewer, by means of blur, motion, composition, and of course motive.
The ideal of a secular state, resting on a separation of church from state, means that the state does not promote a particular religion, does not say what one can and one cannot believe.
This separation of concerns means you can change one component with zero to minimal impact on other components.
Separation entails also separation to God's service. That means, of course, the observance of his laws, especially the laws of purity, the rejection of pagan practices, and so on.
Magnetically modified zeolites offer the advantage of easy separation recovery of powdered zeolites after catalytic runs or environmental remediation by means of an applied magnetic field [6].
Groovy templates aren't rocket science. They're simply a means for facilitating the separation of a view from its model.
They provide a powerful and often overlooked means of processing XML with three distinct advantages: reusability, easier readability, and a separation of concerns.
This goes against the Single Responsibility Principle [Martin2003], a means to the design goal of separation of concerns.
Separation of duty (SoD) is a fundamental means for prevention of fraud and errors.
The analytical scheme of magnetite in iron ores by means of the chemical separation has been investigated.
The present paper emphasized on the applications of cyclodextrin in enantioseparation by means of chromatography, capillary electrophoresis and membrane separation.
A new separation and liquefaction of hydrogen at the same time by means of a new cryogenic separation method was presented.
Parting: In metallurgy, the separation of gold and silver by chemical or electrochemical means .
The separation of Mn and Ag in manganese-silver ore is available by means of SO2 reducing directly.
Separation of selenium and tellurium and the conditions of separation in the presence of many common ions were investigated by means of cation-exchange. cellulose-paper prepared by ourselves.
In terms of the relationship between element sulphur solubility and pressure, the depositional models of element sulphur separation are established by means of stable percolation theory.
This paper introduces the method suited to the separation of land parcel by means of analytic coordinate definition boundary point in the routine cadastral surveying and mapping.
CONCLUSION Amphiphilic magnetic polymer microspheres were an effective means for the separation of HSA.
The specific means of the design framing, the structure of dictionary, automatic choice of index terms and the separation of sentences are discussed in detail.
This means that a conservative estimate of the divorce and permanent separation rate is 60 percent.
The separation of space in the hand of GEO designers means no longer a besieged armored concrete in traditional sense.
Firstly, the expressions of free vibration of moderately thick plates in polar coordinates are derived and the general solutions are obtained by the means of method of separation of variables.
The shape changes of cortical cell of yak hair fiber have been analyzed before and after stretching slenderization by means of ultrasonic separation.
The communication modes and the means of data separation can be also used to other products of GPS OEM.
In the mathematical sense this is to solve the equation by means of separation of roots.
Initial experiments show the new idea of low voltage separation is one of the ways and means for integration and portable design of electrophoresis chips.
The research on permeability and separation of coking wastewater by means of new type of tubular porous carbon membrane for was made.
You are so considerate, let me know how this separation means better holding the next time the joy of reunion.
You are so considerate, let me know how this separation means better holding the next time the joy of reunion.