Existing methodologies were created by smart people who meant well but who forgot the "soft" in software.
She couldn’t write well, and she didn’t want to let it show, even if it meant hurting me by seeming cold.
By "difficult," it is meant, I think, well, first of all that it is in some sense set apart from common speech, as a specialized and highly self-conscious use of language.
Some experts say Aristotle meant "well-being" when he wrote that humans can attain eudaimonia by fulfilling their potential.
"Although it may not be phrased well, what is always meant of referred to by" really "is a feeling process which is absent when something is termed" merely.
These flowers of friendship are gathered into a fragrant bouquet that enhances the world around us and are meant to be enjoyed by ourselves as well as to bring cheer or comfort to others.
Thank you very much for your explanation. I now understand quite well what is meant by bodiless lacquerware.
In this paper the author discusses the necessities and advantages of using it in ELT classrooms as well as what is meant by "informed use of it" in such teaching context.
What exactly is meant by the word "risk"? The word is certainly used frequently in everyday conversation and seems to be well understood by those using it.
She proved to be a most conscientious and hardworking student … She was pleasant, co-operative and helpful in group situations which meant she was well liked by others in the class.
By way of psychoanalysis, this thesis is meant to analyze the characters in the play, the causes of their personal traits as well as the device of "memory play" adopted by Williams in the play.
These flowers od friendship are gathered into fragrant bouquet that enhances the world around us and are meant to be enjoyed by ourselves as well as bring cheer or comfort to others.
Natalie: Well by saying that level in the game is a piece of cake, I meant that level is really easy.
This is what I meant by media being channeled into robust and well-organized movements.
These flowers of friendship are gathered into fragrant bouquet that enhances the world around us and are meant to be enjoyed by ourselves as well as bring cheer or comfort to others.
These flowers of friendship are gathered into fragrant bouquet that enhances the world around us and are meant to be enjoyed by ourselves as well as bring cheer or comfort to others.