On the face of it, the M4 measure of broad money (cash and deposits) has been growing fast.
Goldman Sachs reckons that growth in China's M3 measure of broad money has quickened to 20% over the past year.
Unlike the Federal Reserve, its older American cousin, it still collects and publishes estimates of M3, a broad measure of the money supply.
And Capital Economics' measure of broad-money supply (M3) fell while QE was in operation.
The pace of growth of M3, the broad measure of the money supply, quickened to 7.6%. It has been well above the ECB's target for five years.
广义货币供应量(M3)增速加快至 7.6%,已远超欧洲央行的5年增长目标。
In the year to December, the broad measure of money supply fell by 0.2% in the euro zone and grew by just 3.4% in America.
In the year to December, the broad measure of money supply fell by 0.2% in the euro zone and grew by just 3.4% in America.