Measurement units are commonly used internationally.
The units of measurement used in this book are internationally standard measurement units.
The core problem of accounting measurement is measurement attributes and measurement units.
The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units.
It is forbidden to use non-state-legal measurement units except in a laboratory to meet work needs.
Some of them are meeting January 24th at the Royal Society in London to discuss future improvements to the measurement units.
Successive years in the business industry as contracts and keep promise unit and quality of qualified measurement units.
A metric system of measurement units based upon the meter (length), gram (weight), second (time) and amperes (electrical current).
The synchronized phasor measurement units (PMU) is significant to the wide-area protection and stability control in modern power system.
Article 7 the legal measurement units shall be used when using measurement units on the commodities produced or sold in the special zone.
So the selection of accelerometers having the best dynamic characteristics helps to improve the features of gyro free micro inertial measurement units.
Article 6 the measurement units of international unit system and other measurement units designated by the state are the state legal measurement units.
In order to build the load model database of Northeast power network, it should select the representative load nodes to install the load measurement units.
Electronic zeroing of target reading User-selectable Measurement Units and display resolution LED numerical display with up to 4 decimal places of resolution.
Above all, according to the FOG and quartz accelerometer adopted in navigation system, the static error models of IMU (Inertial Measurement Units) are built up.
The dynamic characteristics of accelerometers working on gyro free micro inertial measurement units was discussed, with a piezoresistive accelerometer as an example.
Based en a wavelet ridge algorithm, a novel approach is presented for extracting time-variant oscillation performance from data measured by phasor measurement units.
In 2013 the company passed the ISO9001 quality system certification, in 2014 to get qualified to confirm measurement units, and in 2014 also won AAA credit certificates.
2013年公司通过ISO 9001质量体系认证,2014年获得计量合格确认单位,并且2014年还获得资信AAA级证书。
The SLT32 offers simple menu selection of measurement units (gallons, liters etc.), calculates volume in horizontal round tanks, or flow rate (and total) through any flume or weir.
Gazebo models not only standard robot sensors (such as inertial measurement units, GPS receivers, and monocular cameras) but also real-world rigid-body physics for robotic environments.
GPS based synchronous phasor measurement Units (PMU) which have been successfully developed and equipped in power systems in recent years can provide bus voltage phasor measurements.
Network virtual property refers to a new type of digitalized property which exists in the network space, isolated from the real world, and can be measured by the present measurement units.
With a powerful unit management tool, user can specify the output pharmacokinetic parameter units as well as input time and concentration units from an extensive list of measurement units.
In accordance with the nation - al requirements for the legal measurement units, constants applied in the calculating formula of grain and oil inspection results were given new explanation.
According to the practice of vehicle test of platform inertial measurement units, the error model of inertial measurement units was simplified, and the error measurement equations were deduced.
Taking the full network observability of power system operation state and least number of phasor measurement units (PMU) as objective function, an improved optimal PMU placement algorithm is proposed.
There are apps that make and organize grocery lists, convert units of measurement, scale recipes up and down, and manage multiple kitchen timers.
These ANSI standards define the content, format and units of measurement for the exchange of information related to fingerprint identification of an individual.
The International System of Units and other units of measurement adopted by the State shall be the national legal units of measurement.
It has more than 1, 000, 000 Scoville units, the scientific measurement of a chilli's spiciness.
“魔鬼辣椒”包含的斯高威尔单位值超过了1 000 000,斯高威尔单位是用来表示辣椒辛辣程度的科学测量单位。