The legacy plans aren't there to justify an all-singing, all-dancing media centre.
Only 40 seats are available in the public gallery of the courtroom and 36 in the media centre.
We would like to establish at least one Community Media Centre before the end of this year.
Accreditation: For accreditation, journalists are invited to contact the WHO Media Centre at +41 22 791 2222 or email:
核准采访:申请核准采访的记者请与世卫组织媒体中心联系,电话+4122 791 2222或电子邮件:
Functional tents for registration, catering, temporary conference hall or media centre support the temporary infrastructure and covers peaks.
Visit the virtual media centre for the latest embassy media releases and a searchable database of media releases, backgrounders, and downloadable photos.
It provides for those Spaces, which require intimacy, acoustic enclosure and darkness such as lectures and performances, the media centre and the photography forum.
Atrium Gallery , rehearsal rooms , art and craft studios , music practice rooms and classrooms as well as the newly established Zeman Media Centre and Watari Computer Centre.
The Olympics minister, Tessa Jowell, also announced that the media centre – due to form a major part of the legacy from the games – would not be downgraded to a temporary building.
英国奥运事务大臣,特莎·乔维尔(Tessa Jowell),也宣称媒体中心——计划在奥运后保留的主要建筑之一——将不会降低级别改为临时建筑。
It could bring us the robot vacuum that can clean around your complicated media centre and perhaps even something that can tidy up a child's bedroom without putting everything in the wrong place.
I think the media has done an extraordinary job of keeping the story front and centre.
Take regular time out from technology and the media to ground yourself and come back to your centre.
Media reports say that fires encroaching on the nuclear research centre in the town of Snezhinsk, in the Urals region, have now been extinguished.
The report — compiled in partnership with Pricewaterhouse Coopers and the World advertising Research Centre — shows that online advertising currently accounts for 16% of media spending.
During 4-8 December, journalists will have access to the public gallery in the meeting room and to a media room at the International Conference Centre Geneva.
Octopus Paul II is presented to the media at the Sea Life Centre in the western German city of Oberhausen, November 3, 2010. Paul II replaces World Cup oracle Octopus Paul, who died last week.
The centre is intended to act as the catalyst for the regeneration of the area, providing office space for up 13, 000 employees in the media and technology sectors.
The research was led by the University of Maryland's International Centre for Media and the Public Agenda.
Mass media are necessary tools for the "centre" and "authority" to maintain the social order or reduce the uncertainties.
Apple, of course, is the centre of rumours about what one might consider an overgrown iPod touch or a media tablet.
The German Aerospace Centre reckons RayWOx will be good at removing certain pollutants that are particularly hard to get rid of at the moment, notably antibiotics, X-ray contrast media and hormones.
The research was led by the University of Maryland's International Centre for Media and the Public Agenda。
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) lies at the second floor of the school recreation building. It includes a wide range of media, reference and fiction books.
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) lies at the second floor of the school recreation building. It includes a wide range of media, reference and fiction books.