With a media query, the browser makes the decision based on its capabilities.
Media query support in older mobile browsers is sketchy what can I do about it?
As introduced earlier, a media query is a technique to obtain information about the client.
Of course, it goes without saying that media query thresholds should not be dictated by specific devices, but by the design itself.
Media query Listeners - enables running a script in response to a change in the media query (for eg switching between low and high res image sources depending on window size).
Media QueryListeners——可以运行脚本以响应媒体查询的变化(比如说根据窗口尺寸在高低清晰度的图片间进行切换)。
A media query consists of an optional media type and zero or more expressions that limit the style sheets' scope by using media features, such as width, height, and color.
For example, you can refine the query plan based on your database design, access time of the media, or CPU speed for your specific supported devices.
Introduces how to realize interconnecting of several media on demand systems by P2P technology, and provides extensible query service and resources sharing platform for users.
文中介绍利用P 2 P技术实现多个媒体点播系统互联,为用户提供可扩展的查询服务和资源共享平台。
First, when the user submits a query media object, the candidate media objects are quickly identified by searching the cross reference graph.
In many current multimedia database systems, query or retrieval is only based on descriptive KeyWords of media, it ignores another important information resource the content of media.
Therefore, this method can reduce the querying data transfer and it is suitable for the low configuration and the limited channel mobile terminal to achieve the media information query.
Therefore, this method can reduce the querying data transfer and it is suitable for the low configuration and the limited channel mobile terminal to achieve the media information query.