Median household income for renters: $28,400
Median household income for renters: $29,100
Real median household income increased by 1.1% in 2005.
The median household income in Australia is A$67, 000.
Blacks' median household income is still only 63% of whites'.
During the same period, the median household income increased by only 10 percent.
Overall, median household income has declined by 7.1 percent since peaking in 1999.
We should not lament this: median household income in Michigan is some $10,000 per year higher than in Alabama.
The report shows median household income growth was relatively flat from 2004 to 2007 after adjusting for inflation.
Harvard's study estimates that real median household income in the metro declined by 14.9 percent from 2000 to 2009.
From 1999 to 2009 median household income rose in only five states, and in four of these the gains were driven by soaring commodity prices.
In real terms, although median household income is higher than ever, median household income has increased only around 15% since 1984.
In contrast, the Census Bureau has reported a steady increase in median household income in the District, estimated at $58, 000 in 2008.
而与之相反的是,美国人口普查署的报告称,按2008 年年收入5.8万美元的标准计,华盛顿中等家庭收入呈稳步增长态势。
The first decade of the 21st century was not kind to America's middle class-real median household income was 7% lower in 2009 than it was in 2000.
Actually, even at the height of the alleged "Bush boom," in 2007, median household income adjusted for inflation was lower than it had been in 1999.
This, though true, does not explain the recent increase in child poverty: median household income rose from 1997 to 2003, but has hardly changed since then.
如果这些是真的,那么也无法解释为什么贫困儿童人口近年来持续增长:中等家庭收入在经历过1997 - 2003年的增长后就悄无声息了。
People are worried about inequality for good reason: real median household income has fallen since 1999, while Labour's share of the national pie has shrunk.
The county with the smallest median income was also in South Dakota. Buffalo, which has a population of 2, 142, has a median household income of $19, 182.
同样,拥有2 142人口的南达科他州Buffalo县的家庭平均收入也很低,只有19 182美元。
Of course, just because a town's median household income is high, and it has a high ratio of single people, doesn't mean it's necessarily a gold-digger 's dream.
The median household income in Wayne County, Kentucky, where they lived, was only $28, 000, and the Suttons' dinner conversation often turned to local families in need.
他们住在肯塔基州韦恩县,居民家庭平均收入仅为28 000美元,萨顿家的晚餐上,常会聊到需要救助的人家。
Adjusted for inflation, median household income in 2008 fell to $50, 303, which was 4% below its 2000 level and continued a downward trend that had been accelerating for some time.
排除通胀因素,中等家庭收入2008年跌至50 303美元,比2000年少了4%而且还在继续快速下降。
Median household income, adjusted for inflation, was higher in 1980 than it had been in 1976. But gas lines and double-digit inflation made people feel that things were falling apart.
The respondents represented a fairly average slice of the U.S. population, with about 29 percent holding a college degree and a median monthly average household income between $3, 000 and $3, 999.
The respondents represented a fairly average slice of the U.S. population, with about 29 percent holding a college degree and a median monthly average household income between $3, 000 and $3, 999.