The medical community also takes aging for granted, and can do nothing about it except keep people within a certain health range.
This trend, which was started by the medical community as a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side effects such as overweight and heart disease—the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.
But the medical community will still need to be convinced about the need for the new technology and about its safety.
The medical community, and the agencies and foundations that fund medical research, have never given this illness the attention it deserves. That needs to change.
Doctors say frequent headaches and migraines are among the most common childhood health complaints, yet the problem gets surprisingly little attention from the medical community.
One of the most important groups of people - the medical community already has reaped significant benefits from the technology and is translating the same towards the betterment of public life.
最重要的一组人群 ——医学界已经从该技术中获得巨大的益处,并将之转变为对公众生活的改善。
For example, the medical community USES RDF to describe genomic databases.
Some in the medical community blame the "disease" on psychotic delusion, but others say the symptoms are very real.
It is generally acknowledged within the medical community that breast milk is the ideal first food for babies, though modern formula brands can get the job done, too.
HL7: the health Level 7 (HL7 Edition 2006 v3) is a format for healthcare and is the interface standard for communication between various systems employed in the medical community.
HL7:HealthLevel 7 (HL7Edition 2006v3)是用于卫生保健的格式,是医疗机构中各种系统进行通信使用的接口标准。
The medical community is watching such Patient 2.0 endeavors with a mix of admiration and trepidation.
The medical community was interested because it offered a chance, potentially, to intervene and prolong life.
Thus there is disagreement in the medical community as to whether CFS is a distinct disease.
The condition first came to the attention of the medical community when a Swiss woman tried to cross the border into the United States, which requires non-citizens to be fingerprinted upon entry.
这一情况第一次引起医学界的重视是一位瑞士的女士试图入境美国的时候。 入境是需要采集非本国公民的指纹的。
The medical community and patients anxiously await the results of these and other well controlled studies.
But he said he is open to other options, and he pledged to work with the medical community.
Breast milk reigns within the medical community, but many women prefer formula or are required to use it for health and other reasons.
I hope my degrees will give me street cred in the medical community, since this is what I'm meant to be doing. Talking about tampons doesn't have to lead to tears.
And there has been a growing consensus in the medical community to further study the effects of such.
What's key, he says, is that the MGH group has compared its test with standard tests, which "is essential to gain the support of the medical community."
Note that this isn’t a controversy in the medical community, but the “harmlessness” of saturated fats is perpetuated by the diary and meat industries, and lay writers like Gary Taube.
And he said the medical community needs to at least consider whether the name of the condition, which raises the specter of cancer, may need to be changed.
For a long time, the medical community thought that lack of sleep had few long-term health effects, other than making you more prone to mistakes or accidents.
In the latter case, this research can help the medical community develop therapy that improves patients' quality of speech.
"It's very hard to turn a ship like this," she said. "Adding things never takes much, but removing things takes a mountain of data from the medical community."
This study demonstrates the critical brain changes as further evidence to convince a sceptical medical community that this is a genuine disorder.
This study demonstrates the critical brain changes as further evidence to convince a sceptical medical community that this is a genuine disorder.