Anyone with heart, lung, or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.
She leaves the medical advice to doctors, instead offering insightful and practical tips that reflect the world view of a young adult.
Talented companies can give medical advice.
Take medical advice on anti-malarial drugs if going into a malaria area.
NHS Direct, a hotline, dishes out medical advice by phone and the internet to 8m people.
We do not offer or give medical advice, nor do we provide medical or diagnostic services.
Okay. Well, you realize you're leaving against medical advice and that I urge you to stay.
These alternative treatments are a guide to what is available and is not meant as medical advice.
You should inform the airline as soon as you have sought medical advice and had the illness diagnosed.
The renowned Mayo Clinic's website keeps its tips legitimate, combining ease of use with sound medical advice.
著名健康网站Mayo Clinic(梅约诊所)则结合完善而易用的医疗建议,坚持提供合理化的建议。
Yet there are some circumstances when you should seek medical advice for your baby, your child or yourself.
Mothers are also seeking out expert medical advice, parent-to-parent wisdom, and product reviews via social media.
The materials herein are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.
Without proper research and medical advice, some people may eat the wrong kind of foods and become vitamin deficient.
It is therefore important to seek medical advice to determine which type of colour vision deficiency is present.
This is why it is important to seek medical advice as soon as you notice exophthalmos so that treatment can be started.
“Sometimes patients couldn’t understand or cope with the implications of the medical advice they had been given,” says Sayce.
If you have joint problems, you'll need to be careful and perhaps get medical advice - but for most of us, walking is painless.
Neither the Website nor the Content are intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
In later years, the youngster ignored medical advice to quit the game despite having a badly distorted leg from corrective surgery.
Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice.
Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice.
So, it is very recommendable to seek a medical advice since the doctor can prescribe the antihistamines without the sedating effect.
These germs can be passed on through a bite, so it is important to seek medical advice if you have received a bite that breaks the skin.
The information set out below is not intended to replace medical advice that you may have received from your doctors and HIV clinicians.
Experts say garlic supplements should only be used after seeking medical advice, as garlic can thin the blood or interact with some medicines.
With TV and radio calling on the population to seek medical advice for any flu-like symptoms, queues grew at clinics and hospitals across the city.
This post should not be considered medical advice. If you suspect that you have a repetitive strain injury, seek assistance from a medical professional.
This post should not be considered medical advice. If you suspect that you have a repetitive strain injury, seek assistance from a medical professional.