The Elysee Palace said earlier this month that his last medical examination - on 3 July - showed "normal" results for cardiovascular and blood tests.
Athletics select mostly contains specialty technic, medical examination, ancestry investigate and assess of coach, the high-tech is less in select material.
Methods: 1 016 aged 60 and over in the urban and rural areas of Chengdu were randomly cluster sampled and investigated by questionnaire and medical examination.
方法:用整群随机抽样方法选取成都城乡1 016例60岁及其以上老年人,进行问卷调查和体检。
This article has briefly explained the concepts, differences and relations and the content of examination of ordinary medical examination and examination of forensic medicine.
Concerning the problem, Liaoning Provincial Department of Public Health announced yesterday that any infant who had tainted milk powder would receive free medical examination.
Personnel of drug-producing enterprises drug-handling enterprises and medical treatment units who come into direct contact with drugs must undergo a medical examination annually.
Therefore, how to make sufficient use of the existing data to better support doctors and managers to provide better medical examination to customers is the focus of this article.
At present, as more and more people receive medical examination, this paper discusses some considerations of establishing a medical examination center to ensure patients interests.
From 10 years of premarital medical examination of the situation, the disease detection rate of 17% for men and women of around 8.0%, but also a marked upward trend in recent years.
Sake of prudence, yesterday morning, the county health department has dispatched personnel to go to Beijing, accompanied by Yan Deli a third of the national CDC medical examination.
In Saint Petersburg, all abandoned children end up in a special hospital where they go through a medical examination and assessment by psychologists before being sent to an orphanage.
The first thing you need to do, if you have discovered that you fall into the 'apple' shaped body category or have a high BMI is to go and see your doctor for a full medical examination.
According to sources close to Empire of the Kop Liverpool-bound midfielder Alberto Aquilani has had some problems with his medical examination which may break down a deal for the Italian.
Methods 1607 staff has been done medical examination. The materials were selected and analyzed such as overweight and obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia.
What happened was, over a year ago during a routine medical examination, there was a minor irregularity which I needed to have tests for and which I have now been assured is completely fine.
Methods The information of middle age and aged air force cadres who took medical examination according to standard of the army cadres routine medical examination from 2001 to 2005 was collected.
The treatment cost included the direct medical costs in iron product, EPO, medical examination and adverse events, and indirect medical costs in traffic, nursing, nutriment and the loss of labor.
The operation of "marriage Registers Regulation", which shows much more humanization, the respect of each citizen's rights, does not. Require the compulsory medical examination before marriage. but.
Doctors at the medical center gave Casey some examination.
"During the examination children don't move. It works perfectly. It's amazing," said Johanne L'Ecuyer, a medical-imaging technologist at the hospital.
Staff members of drug manufacturers, drug distributors and medical institutions who make a direct contact with drugs shall receive physical examination annually.
In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, diagnostic procedures for atherosclerosis may include any, or a combination of, the following.
After ending the campaign of college Entrance Examination, I fulfilled my dream successfully and became a new host of the college — Lanzhou Medical college.
Results inadequate recognition of electrocardiography, as well as inadequate interrogation of the medical history and incorrect physical examination, was the cause of misdiagnosis.
Its supplies the goods quality fit and unfit quality, directly will affect the medical care quality and the security, therefore will have to strengthen the quality examination.
Learning from the problem and long-term experience in medical physics teaching, we summarize and analyze the idea, content, method, experiment, examination, etc. of medical physics teaching.
Learning from the problem and long-term experience in medical physics teaching, we summarize and analyze the idea, content, method, experiment, examination, etc. of medical physics teaching.