The meditator who realises this also realises death and birth.
When a meditator has gained deep concentration of mind, his mind is purified.
Maybe you are a beginner and have never meditated before. Or maybe you are an experienced meditator.
The meditator may do this by intending changes to come about, by employing the following four steps.
Any movement breaks the continuity of the practice and this causes the meditator to start all over again.
At that time, the meditator will generally experience many different painful feelings arising in his body.
In fact we have now precisely a way to know when the Kundalini is rising or when it is in a risen state, in any Meditator.
Sit around doing nothing for a couple years, and you can call yourself an experienced meditator, philosopher, or politician.
With this direct experience of truth in its entirety, the meditator witnesses the Second Noble Truth: the cause of suffering.
Vipassana meditator should nurture awareness and equality mind as well so as to make an improvement in practicing meditation.
Therefore, during the very act of noticing, the meditator will also come to understand: "These formations are indeed fearful."
Now the meditator will give primary importance not to the sensory object, but to its manifestation within the mental-physical structure.
Then, as Dudjom Rinpoche used to say: "Even though the meditator may leave the meditation, the meditation will not leave the meditator."
If you seek to be a yoga meditator and use yoga as a means for the discovery of higher consciousness, you must first examine your own qualities.
You think now you're known as a meditator, so you should proceed in a special way to become a full-fledged meditator. That is the wrong attitude.
And to find out, to understand what the meditator is about, is far more necessary, far more important than to say 'Please teach me how to meditate'.
Similarly, by experience the meditator realizes that whenever a pleasant sensation occurs within the mental-physical structure, one reacts with craving.
Even more importantly, the meditator gains greater awareness of their own patterns of feeling and thought, as well as the Intentions which underlie them.
The "I Ching' itself can be read as a manual describing the course of the 'chi' in meditation and as a guide to the temptations and goals of the meditator."
On noticing the respective painful feeling repeatedly, twice, thrice or more, the meditator will see that it gradually grows less, and at last ceases entirely.
As the meditator becomes increasingly aware of their own inner state of being through meditation, they are also enabled to take greater notice of their psychic environment.
When this "purification (of insight) by overcoming doubt" has reached maturity, the meditator will discern distinctly the initial, middle, and final phases of any object noticed by him.
Once the meditator achieves a strong and powerful concentration, his mind is ready to penetrate and see into the ultimate nature of reality, eventually obtaining release from all suffering.
The meditator is taught to appreciate the lack of disturbance as a positive accomplishment, and to see any remaining disturbance created by the mind, however subtle, as a problem to be solved.
It is important that the meditator understands the difference between "concept" and "ultimate realities," because it is the direction which he will have to lead his mind-from concepts to realities.
理解概念法(concept)和究竟真实法(ultimate realities)的差别,对禅修者很重要,因为从概念法到究竟法,这是禅修者必须引导自心所走的方向。
It is important that the meditator understands the difference between "concept" and "ultimate realities," because it is the direction which he will have to lead his mind-from concepts to realities.
理解概念法(concept)和究竟真实法(ultimate realities)的差别,对禅修者很重要,因为从概念法到究竟法,这是禅修者必须引导自心所走的方向。