Would you take the idea home to meet the parents or is it just a one-night-stand?
Greg is doing his best to make a good impression on his future dad-to-be in Meet the Parents, but his bad luck leads to disaster after disaster.
If the child does not meet the parents, or the relationship with their parents more nervous, the best parents seek psychological expert help;
Recently, I have seen an impressive film - "Meet the parents", which is about a woman Palm brought her boyfriend Greg to her parents' home to spend holiday.
The kinder, gentler cousins of Schadenfreude, both these words mean something akin to “vicarious embarrassment.” Or, in other words, that-feeling-you-get-when-you-watch-Meet the Parents.
The good women can be brought home to meet the parents and appear in public with their partner openly, while this is conceived as the better of the two type’s women know this is not the case.
The good women can be brought home to meet the parents and appear in public with their partner openly, while this is conceived as the better of the two type's women know this is not the case.
The advisers also meet with students privately and stay in touch with parents, so they are deeply invested in the students' success.
After the exam, my parents will meet me in person at the school gate.
Seeing their parents, the children flew to meet them.
Their parents can meet the teachers and explore more chances for their children to continue learning and creating.
The growing rate of depression in this group may reflect growing pressure on young people to attend college and meet the high expectations of their peers and parents.
NBC borrowed it for a short-lived dating show in 2002, "Meet My Folks," in which suitors were interrogated by the parents of the date-seeking contestant.
"He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said" Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents.
He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said "Take me to where you live." I want to see your brother and meet your parents.
By talking to the other parents, parents can know a lot about the other family's back-ground, even if they don't meet the kid.
That afternoon, when Tingting takes me to meet her parents, at the house where she was born, mother and daughter stand as close together as they can, clasping each other's hands.
When dealing with a breeder, you should be shown where the pet was raised and meet his parents.
There was no time for Holt to inform her, or any of the other birth parents, what was happening, and, of course, we couldn’t meet her, as we had planned.
霍尔特也来不及通知她,来不及通知这些孩子里的任何一位生身父母,告诉他们正在发生这一切,告诉他们即将发生的事情。 按照既定的计划,我们更没有可能亲眼见到她本人。
And these are often the places to meet other parents - travellers or locals - who can further enrich your experience of the place you are visiting.
I remember the weekend when I first brought Merry to meet my family in Oregon. My parents took us to a college basketball game, and it was raining hard when we arrived at the arena.
So whether they go to school by car, on foot, on bike or by boat, or just meet the school bus, parents all over the world have this same feeling about their children.
Venting will put your parents in a defensive posture and will not likely meet your purpose for arranging the talk in the first place.
"I never expected such an intense reaction," said Wang, recalling the time he took Xiao to meet his parents in the summer of 2007.
"I never expected such an intense reaction," said Wang, recalling the time he took Xiao to meet his parents in the summer of 2007.