Use your lunch and coffee breaks to meet up with colleagues you don't always see.
They meet up with their mother-Anjelica Huston.
Not knowing exactly how my walls would meet up, I didn't go that far.
Take her to live comedy or meet up on a day she has a spinning or yoga class.
They arrive at a cemetery, where they meet up with Linc, Sucre and Mahone.
Write I miss you or We'll meet up when you're older or Stick in at school.
For a lot of people they are a cleaner, more safe, convenient place to meet up.
About three miles out past the river; he's circling around to meet up with the female.
"I now meet up with just a few of my closest friends, many of whom are now also mums".
Dopplr serves a similar purpose; however, friends are meant to meet up while traveling.
The waves meet up again on the other side, appearing just as they would if nothing were there.
When I meet up with friends (both old and new), I like having a whole day dedicated to them.
But when the campaign ended, the Clintons finally had time to meet up every once in a while.
In the evening, the young man whose house I visited earlier in the week asks to meet up again.
The first showdown will be on April 28th when shareholders meet up for the NYSE's annual meeting.
Meanwhile, if my friends want to meet up for coffee, they're welcome to call, email, Facebook or text.
The two would meet up once every few weeks, for a night out in Miami or a romantic weekend in the Caribbean.
They meet up with their mother (Anjelica Huston) —the source, we soon realize, of some of the boys' bad habits.
Presumably, if you're just texting about where you'll meet up later, there shouldn't be the problem of overload.
The only way to get rid of him short of a shotgun is to agree to meet up soon. Preferably, when hell freezes over.
But this new real-time feature is meant for short-term usage if you're going to meet up with a friend, for example.
After the apocalypse, it will tell you where your friends are and what direction they're traveling in, so you can meet up.
To this end Dr Delton and Dr Krasnow designed software agents that were able to meet up and interact in a computer's processor.
There were certainly men in my life whom I liked and respected, but no one I would meet up with for a drink and a heart-to-heart.
Next day, in Whitehorse, I meet up with the rest of the group - three big guys from Manitoba, a couple of mums, some sensible teenagers.
A double Christmas episode would see Robin finally meet up with King Richard and warn him of the Sheriff of Nottingham's dastardly plans.
But on the few occasions when he has been able to meet up with them, he was delighted with the opportunity to play with his new 'friends'.
She was a very busy lady, but she took time to meet up in a coffee shop a couple of times and she also invited me to tea at Kensington Palace.
'she was a very busy lady, but she took time to meet up in a coffee shop a couple of times and she also invited me to tea at Kensington Palace.
'she was a very busy lady, but she took time to meet up in a coffee shop a couple of times and she also invited me to tea at Kensington Palace.