Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David.
The White House turned to Internet registrars when it convened a meeting in September about how best to crack down online pharmaceutical fraud.
One Saturday, Christopher and Lake convened an Oval Office meeting to talk about Haiti.
The meeting was convened by the service to ask the scientists whether a major earthquake was on its way.
Crowley concludes by saying another meeting will be convened at the earliest opportunity.
First it was not 1911. There was indeed a meeting to determine the national dialect, but it was first convened only in 1913.
The theme of this year’s meeting (following last year’s inaugural event in Jordan)—convened in Malta—was called “Scenarios and Models of Middle East Settlement.”
When convening a shareholders' meeting, notice shall be given to all shareholders fifteen days before the meeting is convened.
Such general meeting shall be convened by a notice of meeting which is accompanied by the offer document (see also Rule 2.9).
We didn't have time to finish our discussion of the issue so an additional meeting will be convened tomorrow morning.
At the meeting of planning to preserve Tang Jia Wan Ancient Town convened on April 12, Professor Ruan Yisan from Tongji University made suggestions on how to keep the ancient town from being damaged.
The general meeting is to be convened in the cases laid down in the articles of association and when the interests of the association require it.
The Shareholders will procure that such a general meeting be convened within thirty days of the Leaver's notice.
Zhaoqing City Tourism Board convened Zhaoqing City travel products and the second largest appraisals Rural Tourism food festival mobilization meeting, arranged layout related work.
The board meeting shall be convened at least once a year, which shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board.
But talks ahead of the meeting in Geneva on Saturday, which will be convened by Syria special envoy Kofi Annan, haven't yielded any a GREement on a process for a leadership change, these people said.
叙利亚问题特使安南(Kofi Annan)周六将在日内瓦主持召开这次会议。但上述这些知情人士说,会议前的谈判并没有就叙利亚领导层变更的程序达成一致。
The G20 meeting he convened in April may not have been the pivotal, Bretton Woods-type summit that the prime minister hoped it would.
Article 9 the meeting of the Standing Committee shall be convened and presided by the director of the Standing Committee or the deputy director who consigned by the director.
The General Meeting was convened as scheduled last week and the attending parents elected Ms. Hsui-Chin Wang to be the Principal and Ms. Leona H.
The general meeting was convened as scheduled last week. The attending parents elected Mr. Lung-Kuo Liu to be the Principal, Mr.
If for any reason a supervisory board meeting cannot be convened as scheduled, an explanation shall be publicly announced.
The eighth Andes parliament meeting was convened in Lima on the 13th.
Article 11 proprietors' general meeting shall be convened by the proprietors' committee at least once a year.
Article 101 the annual meeting of the shareholders general assembly shall be convened once a year.
Article 101 the annual meeting of the shareholders general assembly shall be convened once a year.