During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month's stockholders' meeting, Levin asserted that"music is not the cause of society's ills" and even cited his son.
The World Health Organization (WHO) agreed to resume the discussion in 2014, following debate this week at its annual meeting.
This iterative discussion process simulates an extended, ongoing meeting and allows for more precise and stable requirements definition.
That was one topic of discussion Friday at a meeting all sides described as cordial.
The final walkthrough meeting wasn't rushed, since it provided much of the cross-pollination, agreement on solutions, and discussion of impact and pros and cons.
So many people crowded into a recent town meeting on water that the discussion had to be postponed to find a larger venue.
Additional background information is necessary to establish a common baseline and framework for discussion at the meeting.
The missions were a key topic for discussion this week at a meeting of the European agency's Industrial Policy Committee (IPC) - its "cheque writing" body.
The draft of a collective contract shall be submitted to a meeting of employee representatives or the complete body of employees for discussion and adoption.
Five key questions are envisioned to guide the discussion and final outputs for the proposed FAO Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management.
Can you brief us on the meeting? Was the issue of RMB exchange rate brought up in the discussion?
To this end, an Issues Paper will be prepared as background material and as basis for discussion during Session 1 of the Expert meeting.
The chancellor, Alistair Darling, said however that the longest discussion during the ministers' six-hour meeting was over "the banking problem" – how to drain the financial system of toxic assets.
Hans Rosling at a panel discussion on global health on July 1st, the last day of the Lindau meeting.
So far, this discussion has centered around concepts related to meeting existing business requirements, better utilization and reuse of resources, and integration of existing and new applications.
The agreement reached last year anticipates a formal ministerial level conference and McCormack said such a meeting will still be held, and that the Singapore discussion is not a substitute for it.
At a meeting to discuss the future of Smith's math department, one professor timidly requested two more discussion sections for his course.
What's interesting is what happened later, during a coffee break, when I got into a discussion with two senior German executives attending the meeting.
Buffett, along with Microsoft founder Bill Gates, also held a closed-door meeting with about 70 of India's richest men for what was termed a "giving discussion."
Dr Drake was speaking at a discussion meeting taking place at the Royal Society in London entitled "the Detection of Extraterrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society".
But Mr Estrada stopped short the discussion, apparently because of the presence of journalists covering the meeting.
But Mr Estrada stopped short the discussion, apparently because of the presence of journalists covering the meeting.