It would have been relatively easy for a person with knowledge of metals to melt down bronze objects and forge them into coins.
Placea sphere of nuclear waste in a stable ice sheet and it could melt its way down, the ice re-solidifying behind it.
Especially in light of Fukushima, this is a reactor that doesn't melt down. "-juli berwald."
Likewise, the sale of gold is regulated, so those who melt it down for false teeth won't get licenses anytime soon.
It can get into the airplane engines and melt down. It can basically cause the engine to seize.
From down the hallway, you can hear the hum of the many fans needed to keep the room cooled to 65f, lest the servers melt down.
Truly safe, secure nuclear power requires plants that simply cannot melt down, and that means going smaller rather than bigger.
As nuclear cores melt down, reacting nuclear fuel creates many different radioactive elements, all with different toxic effects.
The Satanists are also now trying to exaggerate fears about nuclear fall-out and nuclear melt-down in Japan.
Though issues such as fuel storage are a potential concern, gas reactors-which can't melt down-may be a way forward in the wake of Japan's nuclear disaster.
Or perhaps putting two words together in front of a crowd sends your body into complete melt down .
A simple solution, then, was to melt down the crown, cast it into a cube and weigh it.
Recycling zinc waste: zinc alloy recovery, zinc slag melt, coarse zinc recovery, crushing zinc recovery, down zinc material recycling, etc.
It will melt your heart as the barriers between two worlds come crashing down with the waves.
On the other hand, by improving the control of the melt temperature, it can distinctly reduce the waste of energy, pull the cost down and enhance the efficiency of extrusion.
Then we melt it down , dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it .
And now that gold has boomed to more than $1,100 an ounce, should athletes forgo framing the thing and just, um, you know…melt it down the moment they get the medal home?
He has sold most of his discoveries to metal refiners or diamond sellers, while keeping some melt down for future use.
Natural and harmony, which we have had great perception, taking natural beauty, melt crystallization of human wisdom can be handed down classic.
Some printers use lasers and dust, others use glue and dust and some even melt down plastic.
So if that does indeed begin to melt down, which it seems it may have already done, that radiation would be released directly.
Clean, glacial melt in a stream will transmit light down to the stony stream bed, where some will be reflected and the rest will be absorbed.
Clean, glacial melt in a stream will transmit light down to the stony stream bed, where some will be reflected and the rest will be absorbed.