The balance of power in the IMF is reflected in the votes of its member countries.
It was in 1996 that WHO's member countries first agreed smallpox should be destroyed.
It thinks that its mainly rich member countries will see their output fall by more than 4%.
These are stand-by lines of credit that the IMF maintains with its richest member countries.
Some FAO member countries have expressed concern about a possible repeat of the 2008 food crisis.
The 27 member countries are worse, eagerly undermining agreed positions in a quest for national advantage.
For example, the European Union directive of 1985 establishes requirements for EIA in all member countries.
Capacity building in updated meat inspection has also been a key feature of FAO support to member countries.
The WTO launched the Doha round in 2001 and it has been dogged ever since by differences among member countries.
All of the EU's member countries have adopted policies to lower their emissions and meet their Kyoto targets.
But so far less than half of the OECD's member countries have detailed medium-term plans to reduce their deficits.
In member countries, the French and German central Banks have had their supervisory responsibilities increased.
A yearly meeting of all the member countries in the World Health Organization is this week in Geneva, Switzerland.
It feels swamped and would like to concentrate on cases from tough member countries such as Azerbaijan and Russia.
This will be achieved through the provision of topical information, guidance and technical support to member countries.
This issue has been pending in Codex for several years because the opinions of member countries are, so far, divided.
Under the EU parliament's rules, the Tories must include MEPs from at least seven member countries to form a grouping.
An enhanced network for collaboration for FAO's future support to member countries in adapting agricultural water management.
One is an increase in member countries' "quotas", which are analogous to shareholder capital and make up the IMF's permanent funding.
As part of the FRA 2010, FAO, its member countries and partner organizations will undertake a global remote sensing survey of forests.
作为FRA 2010的一部分,粮农组织及其成员国和伙伴组织将开展全球性森林遥感调查。
NATO insiders say that some member countries have begun to see BMD as an alternative to nuclear deterrence, not as a complement to it.
If the borrower defaulted, the Bank would first use up the money paid in by its member countries, then call on them to contribute more.
By charging interest on money contributed initially by member countries, the Bank has succeeded in roughly doubling these contributions.
In these circumstances, the Fund—with its 187 member countries—is uniquely positioned to foster collective action among its global membership.
在此形势下,基金组织作为一家拥有 187个成员国的机构,将凭借其特殊的地位和条件,鼓励其全球范围内的成员国采取集体行动。
That is making it difficult for the EU to overcome the current crisis by taking direct control of the budgets in troubled member countries.
That is making it difficult for the EU to overcome the current crisis by taking direct control of the budgets in troubled member countries.