The European Council makes the final acumen on whether a member state fulfils the necessary conditions for the acceptance of the euro.
Thee European Council makes the final judgment on whether a member state fulfils the necessary conditions for the adoption of the euro.
I had been entitled to six thousand marks annually as a member of Prussian council of state.
Article 50 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU foresees the procedure to be followed in case a Member State notifies the European Council of its decision to withdraw from the Union.
At the 16th to 20th sessions of the IMO, China was successively elected as an A-level council member state.
But UAE, a member state of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, has called on rival Palestinian factions to resume dialogue.
Each Member State shall contribute to the budget of the Organization in accordance with the financial arrangements to be decided by the Council.
Each Member State shall contribute to the budget of the Organization in accordance with the financial arrangements to be decided by the Council.