The trapezoid membership function is constructed by fuzzy method.
You will use a servlet to run the Acme membership function to create a new family membership.
您可以使用 servlet来运行Acme成员功能来创建一个新的家族成员。
Using the membership function, the fracture probability in the fuzzy region can be determined.
The membership function of the fuzzy subsets can be actually obtained witha sampling survey method.
The arithmetical example makes it clear that this membership function reflects objective facts better.
Using the theory of fuzzy sets the membership function is adopted for the four tone pattern classification.
So the membership function of input and output lingual variables and control rules are formed in this thesis.
Membership function is used to fatigue lifetime prediction and a fatigue lifetime prediction model is set up.
Based on the calculation of suitable fuzzy membership function, the recognition of true anomalies is improved.
The algorithm can optimize the fuzzy variables' membership function and improve the fuzzy controller performance.
By taking the method of membership function in fuzzy set theory, the volume of coal gas was calculated by fuzzy matrix.
We combine the fuzzy set theory with rough set theory by rough membership function and establish a relation between them.
Second, the method of constructing fuzzy membership function is proposed in image segmentation based on fuzzy mutual information.
Fuzzy rule region-split method adopts the fuzzy system whose antecedents take the asymmetric Gauss function as membership function.
This chapter introduces the origin of the fuzzy theory, the meaning of fuzzy set, the membership function and some basic conceptions.
The fuzzy linear programming (FLP) problem with nonlinear membership function (NLMF) is usually a nonlinear programming (NLP) problem.
In this paper, we combine the fuzzy set theory with rough set theory by rough membership function and establish a relation between them.
The quantitative variation in the effects of different methods of fertilization is analysed by forming a membership function of fuzzy subsets.
In this paper, firstly we compare RST with fuzzy Sets Theory and introduce fuzzy method into the study of RST by the rough membership function.
Advising simplicity and expediency definition mode about membership function of fuzzy strength, completing fuzzy reliability calculation theory.
The membership function expressions of the Fuzzy-random event of structural safety are obtained by using the basic operative law of the Fuzzy sets.
In the course of modeling, dynamic membership function is used in the fuzzy interval prediction, forming the matrix of dynamic membership function.
The target track in the multisensor multitarget tracking fusion contains the fuzzy information which was described by the fuzzy membership function.
It is difficult to determine the membership function in fuzzy optimization method and to obtain the knowledge, experience and rules in expert system.
For a neuro_fuzzy classifier based on the fuzzy perceptron, this paper analyses how membership function constraints affect the classification result.
Fuzzy theory can be widely used in control engineering. It is one of critical technologies of fuzzy control that how to determine membership function.
The least square method of computer adaptation is applied to complete the function of computer self-learning of membership function in fuzzy diagnosis system.
Therefore, the automatic determination of the fuzzy rule and in-process adaptation of membership function are required for the advanced welding process control.
Every fuzzy variable consists of a series of fuzzy subsets and a fuzzy vector. The fuzzy vector is used to describe these series of fuzzy subset membership function.
A fuzzy controller of nuclear power plant pressurizer is researched and designed tentatively by defining fuzzy set, membership function and fuzzy control rule properly.