It also includes a built-in screensaver, calendar and memo pad.
Copy from Email Application and Paste to Calendar, Memo Pad, ToDo Item, Call Notes.
When you begin meditation, you will be plagued with thoughts from your surface mind, which ACTS like a huge Memo pad.
The phone has an integrated quick note function, which lets you pull up a sticky-size memo pad from any page on the device.
此款手机还搭配了一些笔记的快速功能,让你可以在任何页面开启一个小小的Memo 贴纸做备注使用。
The phone has an integrated quick note function, which lets you pull up a sticky-size memo pad from any page on the device.
此款手机还搭配了一些笔记的快速功能,让你可以在任何页面开启一个小小的Memo 贴纸做备注使用。