The very reason that clichés so easily seep into our speech and writing—their insidious memorability—is exactly why they played such an important role in oral storytelling.
A logo design can have a major impact on the branding and memorability of a company.
Now, I'm all for customizing, because it creates personality, memorability, and boosted brand experience.
Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency?
Combining the symbol of Rome, the date and the rings in a single sculptural image works here. It has strength and memorability.
From the case study of examples of the brand name translation, this paper draws the conclusion that memorability and information constitute the main part of a company's Skopos.
From the case study of examples of the brand name translation, this paper draws the conclusion that memorability and information constitute the main part of a company's Skopos.