Monday is memorial day in the united states.
Memorial Day comes as troops fight in Afghanistan.
Today is my3month's memorial day for coming back to beijing.
It wasn't too long ago that Memorial day was more than a three day weekend.
Feels no necessity to wear socks after Memorial Day - at least in casual situations.
Mantegna says the commemoration that year made clear for him the meaning of memorial day.
Some use it as an opportunity to help the boys understand what Memorial Day is all about.
On the day before Memorial day, 1983, a poet called me to describe a city he had just visited.
In the United States, Memorial day is May 25, a popular holiday, for it's the unofficial start of summer.
And that is a lesson I hope all Americans will carry with them this Memorial Day weekend and beyond.
On this Memorial Day, we honor the generations of Americans who have fought and died to defend our freedom.
A few weeks ago, the morning after Memorial Day, my dad landed in the emergency room with intense stomach pain.
For Memorial Day Weekend, I went mountain biking in Moab and had a blast at the Desert Rocks Music Festival.
But on Memorial Day, Ms. Hadnott and a few of her friends skipped the traffic jams and got on a plane instead.
And now, Memorial Day honors all of the men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service of their country.
Americans are pausing Monday to honor the country's war dead, as the United States observes its annual Memorial day.
I also ask all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance beginning at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day.
Because the inn's restaurant is closed until Memorial Day, they often eat dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant, they said.
The sequel to 2006's 'Night at the Museum' has brought in more than $105 million since it opened over Memorial Day weekend.
这部2006年《博物馆之夜》(Nightatthe Museum)的续集自阵亡将士纪念日周末公映以来已经创造了超过 1.05亿美元的票房。
It was a Memorial Day ceremony in the Town of Poughkeepsie this May where the meeting between Glenn Johnson and Dingee took place.
A famous Memorial Day ceremony takes place at Gettysburg National Park every year since 1868, featuring a Memorial Day address.
On this Memorial day, and every day, we bear a heavy burden of responsibility to uphold the founding principles so many died defending.
Supporters, including the White House, had hoped that senators would finish work on it this week, before the Memorial Day recess.
Americans have loved their booze since long before Memorial Day became an occasion both to commemorate fallen soldiers and throw back a few.
There Obama took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns, followed by a Memorial Day service in a large amphitheater at the cemetery.
But on this Memorial Day, as on every day, we are called to honor their ultimate sacrifice with more than words. We are called to honor them with deeds.
Rush to plant heat-lovers like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, or annuals like petunias if you live where late frosts are common. Wait until after Memorial Day.
Rush to plant heat-lovers like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, or annuals like petunias if you live where late frosts are common. Wait until after Memorial Day.